Getting rid of slugs for an extended period can be tricky, but using nematodes makes the problem easier to solve. This is a rainy area so theres no chance of drying the garden out and we cant have ducks in this townhouse community. So if theyre a problem in your area, try to locate the garden in the sunniest, driest spot, and dont overwater or use other gardening practices that keep the soil too moist. Yes, even slugs. Heres the big list. Ive never heard of this. Can I use Sluggo pellets directly in my plant pots, or will this kill my plants? This would take a lot of ammonia for even a small garden. It would be worth a try to spray the leaves with it. They are free for me. I have no idea. #3. Im trying out EM this year for the first time, and will let you know how it all goes, at the end of the season.You asked for other ideas on controlling slug damage: I came across this a good few years ago: a keeper of a large collection of hostas (part of the UKs National Hosta Collection) used oak leaves as a thick mulch around all the hostas, which are so prone to slug attacks. If we take a literal interpretation, you should use household ammonia right out of the bottle since its already a 5-10% solution of ammonia. Thanks for the article. If you did, please share our homemade snail killer recipes and tricks on Facebook and Pinterest for your friends and family to see. Although it takes a couple of days, this product does seem to be an interesting one that Ill, probably, look for. However, this is true of many garden chemicals available in stores. Many people dont know this fact, but its very important. For me, this is all way too complicated, and I was never a fan of math. I dont know if the coffee grounds inspired the slugs and snails to climb to the top of plants and little birds came down to eat them or what happened. ", work, found three slugs moving across it just fine. She studied Environmental Horticulture at the City College of San Francisco and has over 10 years of experience with Environmental Horticulture. Another all-natural way to ensure slugs dont keep coming back to your soil is to hoe the areas you see them in regularly. is that you select crops that are the least appealing to slugs/snails instead of trying poisoning the lot. thank you so much, Phil always so informative!! By using our site, you agree to our. I decided to be drastic in an attempt to make them go faster and I removed the shells to my surprise this just made them more sluggish. I havent applied that much, so it will probably just wash away. One part ammonia mixed with 10 parts water in a spray bottle will do the trick. Bait and Trap A good point to remember is that to bait gastropods is to attract them - so keep bait and traps a safe distance from any plants you want to protect. Sprinkle the bran onto plants and gardens youd like to keep slugs away from and check up the slugs occasionally. For the best results, monitor the soil during the early hours of the day or late at night when they come out of hiding. Living in the UK, its always wet- ho humso keeping dry is never possible. We think they came in from some of the bags of oak leaves we picked up along the street which we used as mulch and compost. Store the metaldehyde somewhere dogs cannot get to it. The only products I found had other ingredients added, like coloring agents, smell blockers, soap. The ammonia is harmful to plants but the slugs die within seconds, so try to have good aim. These work, but you need to be more careful with them: Did I miss any strategies for how to get rid of slugs and snails? Thanks John. Water can dissolve salt and wash it off of "safe" surfaces and into the soil, harming soil quality. But, you can see some short-term results too. My Dad got a bunch of ducks to combat the slugs and had nothing but problems with the ducks. Note: Im following your lead in organic pursuits working towards a long term mutually benififial relationship with Mother Nature. Beer 3. An added benefit of this technique is that the ammonia provides a nitrogen feed for the plants. Many of the slug baits that are advertised as safe do contain toxins that hurt or kill a variety of invertebrates including earthworms. Short and Long-Term Results of Killing Slugs with Ammonia. We received a heavy amount of rain and boy, did the slugs come out!!! Sprinkle the pellets in the soil where the snails roam. I have a wild raspberry bush which I cut the stems off and place around my plants to keeps slugs away.They do not like the thorns on them.Also the stems off rose bushes works just as well.I hope this helps. Alternate hosts: Comfrey can be used as a decoy by placing the leaves around plants to protect them. Dog Or Cat Food Additionally, ammonia is a helpful fertilizer as it adds nitrogen . If they arent snacking on the corn bran, you may have to blend it to make sure it becomes more powder-like. Thanks for the support Phil. Coffee grounds may have mild effects on the health of your garden. If youre trying to keep the snails away from your flowers, wrap copper strips or copper tape around the bottom of the pots. For example: use diluted ammonia (5 to 10% solution) , which comes from a government site. Will ammonia kill your plants? Receive the latest Home & Garden Tips by entering your email below: We respect your privacy and take protecting it very seriously. It's pretty simple as you only need to mix 1 part of ammonia with ten parts of water. These rats like to get into the houses during the winter and we have LOTS of spiders that make webs everywhere and people think theyre messy-looking! Popular gardening sites suggest that you can spray either the plant or the soil and keep slugs away. If you have any doubt, test. The nematodes should come with directions. Of course, if you live in a wet area, you dont have much of a chance of keeping your garden dry, so youll have to go right to these other options. Use dollar store sprayer to spray the ground or poke holes in the cap and sprinkle the complete perimeter of your garden. Enjoy! That last racing snail story was great! Use "granule" form instead. When a slug reaches the fence, it will feel a mild shock (humans or animals cannot feel this shock). Replace every few days. 3 Make a copper strip barrier. Slugs are tiny, creepy crawly creatures. Again, there is a debate on which dilution ratio works best, by 9 or 10 parts water to 1 part ammonia seems to do the trick. Sink the container into the ground, leaving a bit of a lip, which should reduce the risk of non-target species like beetles falling in and drowning. Theyll come soon enough. Wooden Skewer 10. Just like anything else, too much of a good thing can be bad. If so, lets dive in! Some work better than others: These traps work well, but you need to have them fairly regularly throughout the garden, and they need to be replenished often, so they make the most sense in small gardens. It has an immediate effect, but the amount of insects and pests will gradually taper off year after year with continued use. Its oily and keeps a lot of pests away, and fertilizes gently at 5-1-1. Predators can get rid of slugs rather quickly, but when you dont have that option, you can use slug pellets. If there isnt any reaction, your most likely safe. Watering in the morning instead of the evening can sometimes make a big difference when it comes to slug and snail control. Caffeine sometimes kills snails when they ingest it. So you can ask for advice, but always test everything out before you spray entire areas to kill the slugs. Also, if your hostas are surrounded by other types of plants, be very careful. Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue Cut up pieces of carpet and lie them on top of the soil. 5. When the slugs finally make their way to the seaweed-filled earth, theyll immediately turn around and leave that plant alone. There are lots of people here who use ammonia and water at between 10 and 15%. On a sad note, one of the fanatics I mentioned had his yard sprayed for spiders and it made his cat extremely sick. Picking slugs is not everyones cup of tea, so some prefer to just spray them right on the plant, or as they travel along the ground. Support wikiHow by Youre really playing the long game when you use ammonia to kill slugs around your hostas. We had tried all sorts of natural products to repel them but coffee is the one that has been the most effective. Or do you have any questions? (Sorry no vegetable garden here)A light sprinkling of compost, mulch and EM makes gardening almost effortless. Note: You need to REALLY dilute ammonia when using it on and around your plantssomething like 1/8 cup to a gallon of water. Slugs are afraid of one active ingredient: Iron phosphate. Strain and combine with soapy water, then spray onto soil or slugs. But ammonia can actually be sprayed on your plants (although it generally will evaporate off and won't continue to deter slugs) and will provide a source of nitrogen to your plants when sprayed in the soil. Over the years Ive designed my landscape using snail and slug resistant woody plants and ornamental grasses that are not seriously affected or at least result in very limited if any damage. We had a home brew batch not turn out and that worked great. Look for low-dose metaldehyde products with less environmental impact. You want to avoid cleaners with a bunch of chemical additives. Give them a few hours in the morning to get under the carpet, then pick the pieces up and discard the slugs in hiding. Yes. Grind crushed eggshells into a fine powder and sprinkle around the affected areas. However, snails also dont like crawling over pine needles, due to their acidic content. Why do we use it? we put a small tub by each bed and wed have to empty them a couple times per week because theyd be full. Does this make it any safer than other natural occurring chemicals such as when vegetable oil is made and that process releases ricin (one of the most poisonous, naturally occurring, substances in the world). The plants were spectacularly undamaged, so I ve never forgotten! Just make sure you bury the cup in the ground. Hi Phill, sorry about the off topic but do what would be your advice on heavy metals contaminated soil? Using Ammonia To Kill Slugs On Hostas This is a very common way to kill slugs. The thing is, you have to be consistent about spraying. Grind up. The suggestion Ive read is that diluted ammonia, sprayed under leaf cover, kills slug EGGS. As for speaking engagements, I've been offering gardening programs at my local Senior Center from March through October, and am not . Especially in potted plants! Note that all of these methods work just as well for snails. Make an Ammonia Spray. Pouring undiluted ammonia onto plant leaves could harm them and is not something that should be suggested. Along with working on slugs and aphids, ammonia is a great bug deterrent because it has such a sharp and strong odor. There is a guy in Switzerland selling snail eggs as caviar if you can believe it. Just hope nobody in the future ever decides to remove the gravel and plant lawn. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I tried to buy some of this a few months ago and couldnt find it. The trap did indeed catch many slugs. For example, if youplanted hostas with roses, the roses could be more sensitive to any ammonia you apply where it wont bother the hostas. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. They couldnt open their mouths as the slime is so thick. They are just gone. They are like slow release capsules for placing some acid in the soil. With these natural slug repellent recipes, youll learn how to solve your slug problems using slug baits, slug traps, and handy ingredients like diatomaceous earth, basil, grapefruit halves, coffee grounds, and ground beetles. Ammonium will also cause your lawn to grow quickly, but it can also easily burn and turn brown. Many of the suggested mixtures on the internet suffer from this problem. Spray some of the ammonia solution through the nozzle after the soaking time is complete. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 2,025,048 times. Thanks for sharing. The chickens dont care about the coffee so I stopped worrying about how it would affect them. Once youve crushed eggshells into small pieces, place them around any plant, garden, or flower bed you want to keep safe from slug damage. Thank you for the mention ! Was looking for a way to get rid of them once and for all. Any comments would be helpful, thanks! It has no residual affect on the slugs and once the ammonia is dry it will have no adverse affect at all. This article was co-authored by Lydia Patubo. Take it outside or in a well-ventilated area. There is some controversy about whether iron phosphate pellets actually contain an ingredient that makes a toxic combination when applied. Also your article. If 5% works, why would anyone recommend 80%? A good old fashioned approach to getting them one at a time. Sure makes for an easier pathway for small wheels to roll over too. While vinegar is an acid, ammonia is a strong base and will also kill any snails or slugs it contacts. Snails/slugs love to live under the trays, so I put the borax underneath. Fill a Spray Bottle. You can use ammonia to kill pest eggs around your hostas in the soil. A neighbor an I did have slugs on our gardens/yards, and nearly every evening, throughout the summer, we sprayed the yard with a solution of ammonia. I dont like killing things, but am on a mission to get those slimey critters out of my garden. Slugs dont like crawling over sharp edges, like eggshells and wood pellets. Eggshells Control Slugs Do They Really Work? Spraying works, if I go out every couple of hours, which, is exhausting. I do wish youd mention it. The mixture of 50% water with 50% ammonia will kill slugs instantly. Thanks so much for taking the time to share, Susan, thats great! ", never-ending. I also prepared a video where you can see my slug actors reacting in real time to the effects of spraying soil, leaves and directly spraying the slugs. Boil the water and mix with the coffee grounds until its fully dissolved. LOL What do these extra ingredients do to plants and slugs? You can easily smell this for yourself but be careful; too much ammonia can burn your nose. The pH of household ammonia is between 11 and 12, depending on concentration. What you have to understand about ammonia and water is that it will kill slugs on contact, but it does not have any residual effect. This is for slug control. Especially the ones that slugs love. Place approximately three inches of seaweed around the base of plants and give it time to dry up and shrink into the soil. Not all snails and slugs are pests, so if theyre not eating your plants, you dont need to get rid of them in your organic garden. Go out in the evening and spray any mollusks you see on your plants. The reason for this is because seaweed is salty, and slugs do not like salt. If you want to debate someone, stick to the topic instead of changing it to fit your argument. However, the ammonia has to come into direct contact with the eggs for it to work. Ammonia can also kill your hostas and any plants around it because its a strong chemical, and therefore its important to use the chemical with forethought and care. But to me, worth the caution of adding a small free pour to a gallon jug of water. . Spread the metaldehyde thinly, never in piles, which pets can mistake for food. ), or a little more water and put it in a spray bottle. earthworms before I try DE- on the plants they've already demolished. Use Ammonia to Kill Slugs Household ammonia not only kills slugs but, at the dilution ratio discussed below, actually provides a source of nitrogen that plants absorb through their leaves. This fence will not kill the slug; it will merely act as a slug deterrent. This article was quite extensive and full of great ideas. Would using limestone as mulch detere slugs. I have a big slug problem, so I use chickens to help combat it. Was just about to give up on finding organic solutions as these snails r diligently destroying my veggie garden! Bury a tall cup with steep sides into the soil. 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