Head east from the room with the buttons. Jump on the stones heading east until you reach the ledge past the contraption. I got the second glitch. Which building is that and where is it found? Follow the path down and around from your crash site. Head north at the first split and follow this path around. The book is on the lightpost between the houses behind the scholar. Take this ladder down; in the northwest corner, slash the purple plants with your sword to reveal a button. Step on this to open the gate in the northeast; go through this gate and up the ladder. Follow the cave west and south until you reach the exit. I recommend fighting as little as possible here since the girls goal seems to be interrupting you during a battle. Lets go to Old Fortress and get the helpful item. Head up the stairs towards the cavern, but drop off the open section to the west. First push the wooden crate off the ledge, and then fall onto it. The abandoned mines are over the long bridge to the west; a lantern hangs next to it and the bridge will collapse as you walk over it. This time around, we're facing off against Shadow Mesmeroth. Enter the wooden door to the fort; youll be in the cellar. Use your Cast Object spell on the blue button just west and above this gate to open it. Apple TV 4k . From this screen, you need to select your destination. Tap on an island or random area of the sea and an orange course line will automatically be plotted. Head east through the locked door. Use your boots to jump across to the other platform. Bonus: Keep heading straight north to a treasure chest with 20 coins. Just west of the entrance are a series of jumpable platforms. Walk onto the westernmost one and jump along these until you reach the end. On a platform above the canals. The Hero enters the Grand Core. 3) Treasure chest: A completely white chest indicates a treasure chest you have not yet opened. In the room with statues and crates, push the second crate back one space to make a path. Bonus: Keep going east along the narrow metal bridge; there is a Bloodstone at the end. Part 2 - Saving Trin, Arne Invasion, Hoverbike, and Sernoa Station. The majority of the gameplay includes moving the hero around the world, fighting enemies, Completing puzzles, and gathering treasures. The Sky Island returns to the sea and we learn that Mesmeroth has moved from the Grand Core machinery into Oceanhorn, in the Arcadia Ruins. 1. Note: Carrying the honey slows you down and you have to drop it to fight. Be careful to stop moving before dropping it, or else you may throw it somewhere difficult to reach. Head back to the hallway and then north into a room with many metal crates; push four of the crates onto the darkened squares on the floor to open the metal gate. Follow the path into the next room. Bonus: In the large room in the cave, blow up the wooden crates and slash the weeds behind them to find a Toy Soldier, worth 20 coins. Final Boss Problem - Please Help. Follow the arched bridge east, and then use a bomb on the dirt mound here to open the path to the ladder. The master door is at the centre of this room. 3) Challenges: Your current challenges. Completing these will earn you extra experience points and coins. Blue challenges have already been completed; gray challenges have not. Like completion % above, these toggle between displaying the challenge specifics and how many experience points each challenge awards. Once you've passed another chest and gone over the bridge, you'll come to the room where you spawned a treasure chest earlier. Take the bridge up and around; head west when the bridge splits. You play as an unnamed hero on the search for his . In the first large area of the Restless Grove, just before you reach the stone gate leading to the caves and then the shrine, go west up a small incline then north briefly. Turn east to walk along a semi-hidden wooden bridge that leads out over part of the forest. Walkthrough Playlist #2 (iOS) Walkthrough Part 1 - Galactoss Boss. If you would like a more detailed walkthrough, please check out the individual islands. There are four crates but only three spiked pits; the crate at 6 oclock is not used (as in the image above). Stand on the other button to open the gate. 3) Current key(s): If you have a key, whether regular or the Master Key, it will show up here. Regular keys are used up and will disappear once you unlock a door with them. Master Keys are permanent but are tied to their respective island; each island has a Master Key and that Master Key will only work on that island. Return to the nightmare room and take the ladder back up to the main floor. 2) Log: The log keeps track of all dialogue and signs you have encountered. Dialogue is shown in blue while signs are mentioned as Note in white. Tapping the ellipsis button toggles between both dialogue and signs or just dialogue. You will find a Diving Suit that will allow you to dive in deep into the water by tapping on it. Tap on the action button to shoot your gun. You can shoot in quick succession by tapping multiple times. Head south and follow the path until you reach a four-way intersection with a locked door. During the game youll collect experience from enemies and challenges. Bonus: Once you reach an area with darker sand, drop off to the south and head east along the shore until you reach a cave mouth. Enter this to reach the treasure chest up top with 50 coins. Take either path past the eye statue; you want to head to the northeast corner. Other bonus: Lets go meet with the Bloodstone collector. Head north at the intersection. Drop off the dirt embankment and walk around to a chest that contains a regular key. Head back towards the entrance, taking the stairs directly to your left before you get all the way back to the docks. With all three keys, return to the bridge of locks and start unlocking. Jump in the hole at the end. Go back up to the ledge behind the crate and push it north; it will fall into the hole you just cleared. Use your Fire Spell on the two metal crates in the entrance, then push each forward onto the brown squares on the floor. A treasure chest appears with a regular key. A GRAND ADVENTURE Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, set a thousand years before the events of the first chapter, takes you on a magical journey across the vast world of Gaia, brimming with mythology and lore. I finish the game only with 98 and I am mad.. so I started again coz I have a love and hate relationship, Do you know where is the whole in Sumeria. Swim back south towards the entrance and head east up a short flight of stairs to a door. Go in this door and open the locked door. Bonus: Bomb the eastern wall at the bottom of the stairs to reveal a treasure chest that contains 25 coins. You may need to pick up and move the metal in front of the chest to reach it. Fri, 17 Mar 2023 20:31:10 Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs. after saving the town from the Dark Disciple. With this Bloodstone, you should have 100% on Sky Island. Here youll have to solve your first puzzles; in the first room with a switch, push the metal box onto the switch to open the gate. Use your new key to unlock the gate in the centre of the room. Morkie A Vendre Laval, Head north up the stairs and then west, going across the bridge. There were reports where people couldn't find the key in the older versions, but I think Cornfox might've overcorrected this bug. Once youve finished the Dark Apostle, hell retreat back into Oceanhorn and announce Im taking control. Immediately equip the flute and use it. Turn the rotating contraption off. Hit the switch to lower the stones leading to the monument and climb up top. Push the block off into the water. But if you double back and re enter the cave (I re entered to be sure I did not miss any random chests or something), the giant boss scarrabarra and smaller scarrabarras appear there again but when you try to kill them, they dont die again this time. Originally I demo'd this a year ago on a general \"let's try various Indie games\" stream, now its time to fully complete this Zelda-like game!Follow Me:My Website: https://jaidynreiman.netDiscord: https://discord.gg/XkQymhyhn6Twitch: https://twitch.tv/jaidynreimanYoutube: https://youtube.com/jaidynreimanDisclaimer:I am not associated with Nintendo, Cornfox \u0026 Bros or any other video game companies either, I just like games. Head to the guard tower area near the northern section of the map, where you freed Rigger from prison. Hit the guard tower switch so the stone blocks to the east are raised. Walk east to these blocks and jump across them to a bridge on the other side; just southeast of here is a Bloodstone. . Enter the cave thats just south of the treasure chest above. Follow its path west until you reach a room with half of a bridge leading north; climb this and drop down onto the ledge to the west. Head west until you reach a room with a large stone step; go up to reach a piece of heart floating in plain sight. Drop down into the water. Missing two heart pieces, though. Once you get to the end of the room, be sure to climb the short stairs and knock the metal crates into each hole to form a bridge shortcut. Use a bomb in front of the grave to reveal a treasure chest. Open this chest to get the Master Key. Find all our Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas cheats, tips and strategy for iPhone/iPad, PC, Xbox One. No need to be hasty because the ability is not missable. This room is full of those strangely endearing spiked enemies, and a treasure chest on its north side. Walk around the spiked enemies to the chest to get your third regular key. (You dont really have to attack them or anything.). Cross the bridge behind this path and kill the goblin that has a silver key. Use this key to enter the room near him and unlock an underwater path to the Master Key door. I spent like an hour trying to figure out what I missed. Note: The second platform has a weird rock jutting out from it. You can stand right next to this, so move to the end of the platform like you normally would. After your second jump, turn north and jump onto the treasure chest platform. The chest contains 100 coins. Be sure to check back often for game updates, staff and user reviews, user tips, forums comments and much more here at Gamezebo! Return to the eastern room, near the yellow button. Use the same strategy as before to cross the stone blocks: turn the rotating contraption off, climb up near the monument, jump to the first set of blocks, use Cast Object on the switch, and then jump east. Pick up the barrel near the bookshelf and place it on the red button. A treasure chest drops in the room north of here. Your email address will not be published. Note: in the shrine there are enemies that float after you with masks on. They are invulnerable to your sword while wearing their mask. Either throw a pot/other item or use your Cast Object spell on them to shatter their mask, and then slice them with your sword. Go north through the locked door in the ogres room. Snake your way around to the northeast. Theres a Bloodstone sticking out of the wall here. Exit the front door and youre back outside on Graveyard Island. Bonus: Just to the southwest of the switch is a hole in the corner of the room; its hidden by a weed. Cut this and drop down to a treasure chest containing 25 coins. (Or just take the ladder in the south of the room, both work.). Go through the gate and open the chest in this giant room to get the Shield of Chronos. This shield can reflect light! Note: It cannot, however, reflect fire. Pressing the elevated yellow button will make its associated statue breathe fire. Step on the button when King Angler is nearby. He will be set ablaze and hunch over, displaying his glowing weak spot. Slash at his weak spot as much as possible before he returns to normal. You can do this from the button or the ground. Through crafting via the recipe: All variants have an Unused upgrade slot. Each island contains three challenges, although the challenges may in fact be completed on any island, not just the one where it is presented. Bonus: Head west in this room and use a bomb (or Trencher Boots) to destroy the wooden crates. Open this chest to receive a piece of heart. Exit this room to the south; push the metal crate into the water and cross back into the room with the metal crate puzzle. Open it (it's just some bombs) and then go up the ramp and follow the path left. You can now blow up the rocks blocking Crayfish Cave. Its on the northwestern side of town, but not up the hill. With these two items, you should have 100% completion on Old Fortress island. Jump north across the two platforms until youre standing behind an inset gem. The laser-eye statue will shoot at you when it turns your direction, and will hit the gem. Talk to the brunette man in a brown tunic thats wandering around town to reveal the location of the Withered Lands. Use your new key to unlock it and waltz on in through the gateway. Tip: Dont be afraid to use down time to heal or open pots if necessary. When Oceanhorns leg is hit and he collapses, the bombs cease and he is not shooting a laser at you. If you need to use this time to heal and then attack him again on the next turn, do so. A GRAND ADVENTURE Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, set a thousand years before the events of the first chapter, takes you on a magical journey across Study the Arcadian History . You cant dive inside water currently and cant reach those Chests to unlock the contents. Open the chest to get a key and go back - through the rooms and up the ladder - to the very first room. You won't be It'd be one thing if Oceanhorn achieved a similar level of greatness as its inspirations or riffed on Zelda's core concepts in a meaningful way. , Yup, I also have this glitch. Follow the path around to the northeast to reach the mines entrance. Youll have to pass over some floor spikes just before. In the Frozen Palace, head straight north and use Fire Spell on the frozen Gillman. (Although he doesnt give you anything useful.). Could have been related to my emerald cave bandit glitch? Reset buttons: Any puzzle that involves movable crates or other objects that you can get stuck in the wrong location will have a reset button somewhere nearby. Reset buttons are bluish gray with an hourglass on them. Pressing it will reset that rooms objects to their original locations. The buttons themselves are sometimes tricky to find, but they will always exist if potentially necessary. Mesmeroth will then hide at the side of the arena and regenerate health. Follow the bridge and push the southernmost crate into the spiked pit. Leave the other crate for now. We cant do anything else here yet, so head back west. Head south at the intersection to a room with a closed door and statue. Push the statue north once to open the door. Thank you so much bubble I did finish it .. great help. Drop down on the metal crate and go east, up the stairs. Speak to the hermit again and he says he has a way to get you to Sky Island, but first you must bring him a stool. Go down the bridge and back through the now-open gate. Head to the southeast, where the orange bulls-eyes are. Clorox Annual Report Pdf, Donna Clayton Lloyd | REALTOR > Donna's Blog > Buying > oceanhorn 2 white city treasure chests Once the gate is open, head through and follow the shallow water path to the palace gate. In a crate on a small piece of land in the water next to the Direfolk archer close to #4. During this battle, youll be in a permanent targeting/strafe mode. Keep your shield up to block her attacks, and keep strafing to the left as she attacks. Hitting her on the right does no good because of her shield. You can shoot the bulls-eye while its off-screen; do so and a treasure chest appears to the northeast. This is another one you cant collect yet, so leave it for now. Open the Master Key chest to receive the Cure Spell. PocketGamer has a decent guide on getting through Island of Whispers, with all skulls. Wizard (Wield the power of all 5 spells) Old Enemy (Retire 100 Direfolk) Fast Blade (Perform 10 successful combo attacks) Go down the stairs. There are two doorways here, one on each side of the stairs. 2. Follow the path, avoid the laser beam, and go up the red ramp. Head east and push the first metal crate forward into the hole to form a complete bridge. Destroy all the wooden crates in front of the eye statue. Stand in front of a gem, but where he can hit you; when he does, pull up your shield and walk toward the center of the room. You should be deflecting in the direction you came from, which will hit the gem and open its respective door. Do this for both gems. On a pillar in the cave with an iron gate. After completing the Pirtas chapter and returning back to the White City, you will ride in a yellow airplane to the island of Princess Fin. The Grand Core has a crucial role in Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm.In the first game, Grand Core was at the entrance of Sky Island, while in Oceanhorn 2 it's an integral part of the White City, the capital of Arcadia. Hit the yellow button; this raises the stones on the far west side of the monument room briefly. Oceanhorn 2 is an action role-playing game developed by Cornfox & Bros. At the beginning of the game, you need to retrieve the knight book from the pirates. Just northeast of the docks is a Bloodstone. Open the chest to get the magic: Ice Spell. Watch out for the wall arrows; turn south at the stairs and head up. Use the Trencher Boots to jump the gap to the treasure chest. It contains 100 coins. You can edit the button layout via the menu to support left- or right-handed playing, as well as display a virtual joystick. Bonus: A treasure chest just north of Sealork in this clearing contains 25 EXP. Oceanhorn 2 Wiki Homepage Leads to the Observatory Capital of Arcadia The Palace Nothing of significance. Bonus: Stop by the Skerry to get a Bloodstone from the northwest corner and 25 EXP from a treasure chest on the eastern edge (blow up the wooden crate with a bomb). The other treasure chest requires the jumping ability, which we dont have yet. Carry it back to your boat and return to Hermits Island. Head west and exit north (you cant get the treasure chest in the water yet). Read the letter in the bottle to reveal the location of Reef. Keep heading west along the bridges to reach a second Bloodstone. Those experience points are used to increase your Adventurer Level, visible in the first section of the in-game menu. I kept trying to kill them but did no damage with my sword this second time. Wonder if different people have different glitches. If so, let us know what it is in the comments section below. 2. Go up the steps and take the staircase in the narrow alley to your right. 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