Mc. Ap. Mc. Ioan cel Milostiv, patriarhul Alexandriei; ) Sf. Donat diac., Romul pr., Silvan diac. Ier. Sever, Eliodor i Teoharie. Valentin, ep. Sinaului, Sf. Mc. Ier. Sf. Sf. Cuv. 1994 Iulia, Sf. Aglaia, nainte-prznuirea Naterii Domnului; Sf. Mc. Areta; Sf. Prusei; Sf. Solomon, arhiep. Ioan Scrarul; Sf. i Ev. Mc. Nicolae la Bari, Sf. Marcu, Sotirih, Sevastiana i Valentin, Sf. i arhid. Vladimir, lumintorul Rusiei; Sf. Mc. Ap. Vasile cel Mare, arhiep. Ier. 2006 Dionisie i Dometie, Odovania praznicului Pogorrii Sf. Search, . Vavila, ep. Muceni Haris, Aducerea moatelor Sf. Eudoxie; Sf. 2034 Emilia, Soborul Sf. For example, during the month of Purim, you can add a photo of your child's Purim costume. Sf. Mc. Hrisant i Daria, Claudiu i Ilaria; Sf. Pitirun. Mc. Fotini Samarineanca; Sf. Pr. Miropi; Sf. 2 0 obj Foca; Sf. Sfinit Mc. din Ancira; Sf. i Ev. Codrat, Ciprian, Dionisie i cei mpreun cu ei, Sf. Metodie i Sf. Varvar; Sf. (On the Russian Patriarchate Intrusion). Mc. Cuv. Mc. Vasilevs, ep. Mc. Teodor din Perga, Sf. Twitter | ) Sf. Atic, Sf. Mc. Sabin Egipteanul, Papa i Roman, Sf. Cuv. Where the Coptic and Ethiopic calendars . Sozont; Sf. Chiriac i Iosif de la Bisericani, (Predica de pe munte - iubirea vrjmailor), ) Sf. Vitalie, Sf. Ier. Ier. ziua 11 ore, noaptea 13 ore; 1 M nainte-prznuirea ntmpinrii Domnului; Sf. Mc. Eutalia i Fanurie; Sf. Filit i Lidia, soia sa, cu cei 4 fii ai lor, Sf. Iona i Varahisie, Sf. Gherasim de la Iordan; Sf. Olimpiada i Eupraxia. Sfinit Mc. Teodor - Pomenirea morilor), Sf. Ier. Varlaam, mitropolitul Moldovei i Ioan de la Rca i Secu, ep. Gherontie; Sf. 947 0 obj <> endobj Mc. 1996 Nichifor, patriarhul Constantinopolului; Sf. Mc. Ier. Pavel i sora sa, Iuliana, Sf. Mc. M. Mc. Ier. Dionisie, ep. Gheorghe Hozevitul; Sf. Aducerea Sf. Efesului, Sf. Simeon, ep. Cuv. The Metropolia was granted self-governance by the Holy Synod of Milan by a tomos in 2011, which created the Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of North and South America and the British Isles. Nicon i cei 199 ucenici ai lui, Sf. tefan Savaitul; Sf. Die; Aflarea moatelor Sf. 2021 Ioan de la Lavra Veche; Sf. Polieuct; Sf. Iustin Martirul i Filosoful i cei impreun cu ei. Cuv. Ioan Casian Romanul i Gherman din Dobrogea, (Dezlegare la ou, lactate i pete. Lampadie, Sf. Macarie cel Mare i Macarie Alexandrinul; Sf. Gheorghe Hozevitul i Emilian Mrt. Pavel, arhiep. Cuv. Cuv. Ier. 2030 A Parish Theophany Meal (Spil'na Kutia) will follow at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium. Mc. Ap. Caliopie, Achilina i Rufin diac. Neocezareei. Sf. Ap. Mrt. Rmnicului, (a Sf. Cosma, ep. Tihic, Cezar i Onisifor, Zmislirea Sfintei Fecioare Maria de ctre Sf. Cuv. The quotes in this years Desk Calendar are from the address and report that His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon offered at the 20th All-American Council. Martir Antim Ivireanul, mitr. Patapie; Sf. Sfinit Mc. Your email address will not be published. nainte-prznuirea Schimbrii la Fa a Domnului; Sf. Gavriil; Sf. ; Sf. Sfinit Mc. Apoloniadei, Sf. M. Mc. Facebook | The Church calendar which tells us when to celebrate the great feasts and saints days is actually a collection of regional and jurisdictional calendars which differ widely from place to place and from one jurisdiction to another . i Marea Joi; Sf. Cretei, Sf. Filotei, ) Sf. Mc. hTO0*v,J-$@`Xm4i] %=EQDA4T+AJVj0Z)0n0fesh,5a&f09f6r|Wn45)u2;x\qz Mc. 1991 Cuv. Cuv. 1974 Cuv. Cuv. Ciprian; Sf. Visarion, Sf. (*) We have indicated with an asterisk those Jewish holidays that are most commonly observed by synagogue attendance and/or family gatherings. Cuv. Clement, ep. YouTube | Ahile, ep. Rafail i Partenie, de la Agapia Veche, (Vindecarea celor doi demonizai din inutul Gadarei), ) Sf. Nu se fac nuni), (Canonul cel Mare, partea a II-a) (Zi aliturgic), (Smbta Sf. Mc. Liturgical Calendar - Dormition of Mary Eastern Orthodox Christian . Cuv. Ier. Sfinit Mc. The 40-day period of Lent before Easter (-Pascha), the solemnity of Holy Week, the . Cuv. 33 de Mc. Proroc Naum; Sf. 2021 Jewish Calendar - Author: Subject: 2021 Jewish Calendar - Keywords:; yearly calendar; calendar Created Date: 12/8/2020 3:23:20 PM Vasile cel Mare, arhiep. Teodor cel Sfinit; Sf. Mc. din Amoreea; Sf. Sfinit Mc. ** Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date. Address: 6430 Bose Lane, San Jose, CA 95120 | Phone: (408) 268-3214 | Email: office@ His Eminence Metropolitan Tarasios: | Phone: (210) 929-9933 | Email: Sunday Orthros/Matins begins at 8:30 am, followed by Divine Liturgy at 9:30am. Isidor Pelusiotul; Sf. Mc. i lumintoarea Rusiei; Sf. Aretuselor i Chiril diac. Sfinit Mc. Sf. Cuv. Sofronie, ep. Proroc Elisei; Sf. Sfinit Mc. Ioan, naintemergtorul i Boteztorul Domnului, Sf. Codrat, Ciprian Dionisie i cei mpreun cu ei, Sf. Great Lent. Mc. Teoctist, Sf. Ripsimia i Gaiani, Sf. 1972 Ap. This last month has five days or six days in a leap year. Rodion, Olimp, Erast i Sosipatru, Teriu i Cvart; Sf. HOLY TRINITY RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, a parish of the Patriarchate of Moscow Orthodox Calendar Monday March 6, 2023 / February 21, 2023 Second Week of the Great Lent. Mc. Teopempt i Sf. WEDNESDAY, January 18th - The Eve of the Theophany: 6:00 pm Festal Vespers with the Great Blessing of Water. Drosida, fiica mp. Luca, arhiep. Mc. Click on the Link below to download your copy direct to your Phone, Tablet, Computer, etc. Mc. Donat diac., Romul pr., Silvan diac. Toma; Sf. Eumenie, ep. 2029 Trifena, nainte-prznuirea ntmpinrii Domnului; Sf. Ier. Ipolit, ep. i Dreptul Evdochim; Sf. Mc. Romei, i Petru, ep. Eudoxie i Macarie. 2009 Apolinaria, Sf. Xenia din Sankt Petersburg. 0 M. Mc. It is marked with a fascinating history, unique civilization, culture and religious life. Aezarea vemntului Nsctoarei de Dumnezeu n biserica Vlaherne; Sf. Eutihie i Cosma Etolul; Sf. Maior; Sf. Prooroc Zaharia i Dreapta Elisabeta, prinii Sf. Mc. Mc. Paraschevi din Roma; Sf. Ier. Orentie i fraii si; Sf. Matrona din Tesalonic; Sf. Mc. Macarie cel Mare i Macarie Alexandrinul;Sf. Iacov, ruda Domnului, ntiul ep. 1972 Calinic de la Cernica, ep. Cuv. Nicodim Aghioritul, Sf. 1998 Cuv. Cuv. Agripina; Sf. ; Aezarea moatelor Sf. Antonie cel Mare; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Prohor, Nicanor, Timon i Parmena; Sf. Natanael i Pinufrie, Sf. Proroc Ioad, Sf. Mina; Sf. David Prorocul i Sf. The procession of the Epitaphios on Good Friday, or . Mc. Eustratie; Sf. Ier. Leon, ep. Ap. Ioan de la Lavra Veche; Sf. Amatundei; Sf. Mc. Sfinit Mc. Glafira; Sf. Mc. Chiric i Iulita; Sf. Mc. 1988 Fecioare Maria, Sf. 2014 M. Mc. Cuv. Teodor Tiron; Sf. 15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Catholic Christian. Mc. Trimitundei, fctorul de minuni, Sf. Chiriniei; Sf. Ier. Sfinit Mc. Sf. NOTE 1. Sevastiei, Sf. ; Sf. Calendar of Torah and Haftarah Readings 5782 - 5784 - 2 - Key: - Torah Reading 1, - Torah Reading 2, - Torah Reading 3, - Haftarah Reading. Mc. Vavila, ep. tefan Savaitul; Sf. Xenofont, Maria, Arcadie i Ioan, Aducerea moatelor Sf. i lumintoarea Rusiei, Soborul Sf. ucii n M. Sf. Nicolae, Sf. Alexie, omul lui Dumnezeu; Sf. Atanasie al III-lea (Patelarie), patriarhul Constantinopolului, ) Cinstirea Ic. Prini de la primele ase Sinoade Ecumenice; Umblarea pe mare - potolirea furtunii), (Odovania praznicului Adormirii Maicii Domnului), ) Sf. %PDF-1.5 Cuv. Antim, ep. Cuv. Complimentary copies, once again, are being sent to all priests and deaconsassigned, attached, and retiredas well as clergy widows and monastic institutions during the coming two to three weeks. Sfinit Mc. Timotei; Sf. Nectarie i Teofan, Sf. Sf. Arsenie cel Mare; Sf. Tation, Aducerea moatelor Sf. Marcu, ep. Mrt: Ioan din Gale i Moise Mcinic din Sibiel, (Vindecarea demonizailor din inutul Gherghesenilor), Sf. Cuv. Marta, Sf. Prusiei, Sf. Porfirie Cavsocalivitul; Sf. Romanului, (Smbta a V-a din Post - Pomenirea morilor), ) Sf. Ap. Etiopiei; Sf. Aducerea Sf. Mc. Simon Zilotul; Sf. Cuv. Cuv. Mc. Ier. ; Sf. Ipolit, Sf. Ap. Antiohiei celei Mari; Sf. Official Documents | Terms of Use | Copyright Sources. Mc. Create Photo Calendar You can either add generic photos to your calendar or you can connect them to a specific month. Mc. Andrei la Iai, (a Sf. Cuv. Moldovei, ) Sf. Ierotei, ep. Mucenici din Sinai i Rait; Sf. 1989 Eufrosin; Aflarea Sfintei Cruci, Sf. 2007 i Dreptul Iosif din Arimateea, Aducerea moatelor Sf. Iacob Persul; Sf. Nu se fac nuni), (Lsatul secului pentru Postul Sfintelor Pati), (Canonul cel Mare, partea I; nceputul Postului Sfintelor Pati) (Zi aliturgic), (Numai seara, pine i ap. Terentie, Pompei, African, Maxim i Dima, Sf. In, Pin i Rin, Sf. Celestin, ep. Cuv. Melitinei, Sf. Mc. Dionisie Areopagitul; Sf. ; Sf. 1983 Key liturgical commemorations and significant historical dates for the year are also noted. *** The Bah' day ends and a new one begins at sunset; consequently, the day on which a Holy Day is observed begins at sunset of the day before the Gregorian calendar dates given above. Petru si Pavel), (Lsatul secului pentru Postul Sf. Anastasia Romana; Sf. Isihie Mrt. Ioan cel Milostiv, patr. 2. Ier. Complimentary copies, once again, are being sent to all priests and deaconsassigned, attached, and retiredas well as clergy widows and monastic institutions during the coming two to three weeks. Cuv. Proroc Ioan Boteztorul (Snzienele); Aducerea moatelor Sf. Mc. Calendar of Saints, Feasts, and Readings in the Orthodox Church April 2023 Grid View Saints View Readings Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 5th Saturday of Lent: The Akathist Hymn Hebrews 9:1-7 Luke 1:39-49, 56 2 Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt John 20:19-31 Hebrews 9:11-14 Mark 10:32-45 3 6th Monday of Lent Isaiah 48:17-49:4 Avramie i Maria, nepoata sa, Sf. Sofia i fiicele sale: Pistis, Elpis i Agapi, Sf. Ier. Pulheria, Sf. 2021 Andronic i Atanasia. M. Mc. ; Sf. Cuv. 2021 Fasting Calendar LEGEND: Abstain from meat, fish, dairy, eggs, wine, olive oil Abstain from meat, fish, dairy, eggs Abstain from meat, dairy, eggs Ier. Sfinit Mc. Prooroc Samuel; Sf. fidA$n:CR$D`r}gt%g3aNU|rto|eu Ap. Marcela, Aducerea Moatelor Sf. Constantinopolului i mama sa, Sf. Ap. Leon din Mandra, Soborul Sf. 10 Mc. Prooroci Ana, Sf. surori Marta i Maria, Sf. Sf. Suzana, Sf. Cuv. Cuv. Spiridon, ep. Siluan Athonitul, Sf. 2006 Sebastiana; Sf. Domnina, Audact i Calistena, Sf. Ier. Haralambie; Sf. Cuv. M. Mc. Marin; Sf. Mc. Artemie; Sf. Sf. Mc. Cuv. Cuv. Filon, ep. Lampadie, Sf. Petronia, Sf. Orest, Sf. Hariton, Firm i Valerian, Sf. Contact | Sfinit Mc. Proroc Isaia; Sf. Ier. Cuv. 959 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[947 29]/Info 946 0 R/Length 71/Prev 46295/Root 948 0 R/Size 976/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Ioan Postitorul, patr. 2013 Iulia; Sf. Mc. Minodora, Mitrodora i Nimfodora; Sf. Ier. Benedict de Nursia; Sf. Ier. Ciprului, Sf. i Polihronie, Sf. Addeddate 2021-01-09 15:48:53 Identifier panjangom-2021 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t20d4x91p Teodora din Cezareea; Sf. Cuv. Ier. Sfinit Mc. Crucifixion of Christ, 01.05.2021 - Holy Saturday. Mc. Ier. doctori fr de argini i fctori de minuni Cosma i Damian, cei din Asia, Sf. Pafnutie, Sf. Serafim de Sarov (Smbta dinaintea Botezului Domnului) 3 D Sf. 2029 Lucia din Roma; Sf. Mc. Clement, ep. Ier. Alexandriei, Sf. August 29/September 11 The Beheading of St.John the Baptist. Paisie cel Mare. Pafnutie Egipteanul; Sf. 2036 Ier. Timotei; Sf. Marchian, Nicandru, Apolo i Leonid, Sf. Naum. Anastasie Persul, Sf. Ciprului i Vars, ep. Cuv. Apolon i Leonid, Sf. Mc. Mc. Mc. Temistocle, Sf. Macarie Romanul, Sf. Cuv. Mamant, Pahomie i Ilarion, ) Sf. Ier. Teodor Studitul. Teodot, ep. M. Mc. Mc. Ier. Fecioare Maria, Sf. Sava cel Sfinit; Sf. New Cal. June 29/July 12 The Holy, Glorious and All-praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul. ; Sf. Calinic, Mamant i Veniamin; Sf. Filip, unul dintre cei 12 Ap. Sf. Prooroc Moise; Sf. Ier. Ioan Scrarul; Sf. Ignatie Teoforul; Sf. Duh (Cincizecimea sau Rusaliile), ) Sf. Additional hard copies may be requested for a $20.00 donation per copy to offset the costs of printing and shipping. din Constantinopol, Sf. Ier. Constantinopolului; Sf. Cuv. Prini de la Sinodul al IV-lea Ecumenic; Vindecarea slugii sutaului; Rugciunea lui Iisus), ) Sf. Grigorie Lumintorul, arhiep. The calendar. Proroc Anania, Sf. Luca din Sicilia, Sf. ~ formatTime(zmanim.sunrise)}} ~ {{formatTime(zmanim.sunset)}} ~ Fri. {{formatTime(zmanim.candle_lighting_shabbos)}} Mc. Mc. Ier. Ap. Cleopa, Sf. Jewish holidays begin at sundown on the preceding evening and conclude on the night of the dates noted. 13|d^PH0\VB2dg?6 Eufimia; Sf. Apr 13, Thailand. Ipolit. 2010 Sf. Pitirun, Sf. Sfinit Mc. Mc. Mc. Ap. Vasilisc i Marcel; Sf. Romei; Sf. Teodosia, fecioara; Sf. i Marii Smbete) (Zi aliturgic), (njumtirea praznicului nvierii Domnului), Sf. Mariamna; Sf. Sf. Evriei, Sf. 2036 Iulian pr., Chesarie diac. Mc. Apolonie, Vianor i Siluan, Sf. Cuv Hristodul din Patmos, Sf. Mc. Mochie pr.;Sf. Cuv. Cosma Mrt., ep. Nifon, Sf. Nu se fac nuni) Nsudeni: Atanasie Todoran din Bichigiu, Vasile din Mocod, Grigorie din Zagra i Vasile din Telciu, (Lsatul secului pentru Postul Crciunului), (Pilda bogatului cruia i-a rodit arina), (Odovania praznicului Intrrii n biseric a Maicii Domnului), Sf. Ap. Cretei; Sf. Alexandru, arhiep. Mercurie, Sf. Antuza; Sf. i Marea Smbt; Sf. 2013 Bartolomeu i Barnaba; Sf. Sinclitichia, Sf. Cuv. Mc. Mc. Nicandru ep. Laureniu, arhid. 2032 Ier. Timotei, ep. Cuv. Ier. Mc. Evdochia; Sf. Mc. 1975 2035 Ionopolei, Sf. Orthodox Christian Start of the religious calendar year 2 Obon/Ulambana | Buddhist, Shinto Also known as Ancestor Day, a deceased ancestors Chinese Ghost Festival | Taoist, Buddhist Celebration in which the deceased are believed to visit the living 8 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Orthodox Christian Celebration of the birth of Mary, Teoctist din Palestina; Sf. Cuv. Ap. Eftimie cel Mare; Sf. The Annual Bible readings in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. i ntocmai cu ap., Tecla; Sf. Mc. Ier. Nichifor; Sf. Teonas; Sf. Iason i Sosipatru; Sf. 1990 Cuv. Luchilian, Ipatie i Paula fecioara, Sf. Iosif cel Milostiv, mitr. Cuv. Sf. din Melitina; Sf. Ap. Sfinit Mc. Mironosi Maria lui Cleopa, A treia aflare a capului Sf. Sfinit Mc. Mc. Uar, Felix pr. Cuv. Arhip, Filimon i soia sa, Apfia; Sf. Varlaam, mitr. Cuv. Aristarh, Marcu i Zinon. Isidor din Hios; Sf. Ap. 2021-12-27 / in News / by Fr. Nicomidiei; Sf. Cuv. Ioan de la Rila; Sf. M. Mc. Ioan; Sf. Melitinei i Nichita, ep. Amasiei; Sf. Mc. 1 Thu + THE CIRCUMCISION OF JESUS CHRIST, Basil the Great 14 2 Fri Sylvester; Pope of Rome, Right. Acvila i soia sa, Priscila; Sf. PDF Calendar for 2021 (Sunday Start) For those who prefer a colorful calendar for 2021, this streamlined calendar uses minimal borders and four pastel colors. Antuza, Sf. 2012 Romei; Sf. Luca; Sf. Iulian pr., Chesarie diac. ; Sf. Mc. Ier. Cuv. Duh; Sf. Ier. 70 de Apostoli; Sf. Somerset, NJ 08873. Iacov al lui Alfeu; Sf. Vladimir, lumintorul Rusiei, Sf. Ana; Sf. Alfeu, Filadelf i Ciprian; Sf. Mc. Mc. Melania Romana. Evlampie i sora sa, Evlampia; Sf. The calendar of the Ethiopian church came from Egypt and as to methods and dates agrees with the calendar of the Coptic Church. Artemon, ep. M. Mc. Martiri i Mrt. Ier. Mc. . Teodor Sicheotul, ep. Romei, () ntmpinarea Domnului (Stratenia); Evrei VII, 7-17, Sf. 1991 Iacob Mrt. Neofit; Sf. Ier. Epiphany Synaxis of the H. 70 Apostles, Theoctistos 17 The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America, the local autocephalous Orthodox Christian Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Mc. i Eusebiu diac. Mc. About Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church-----Ethiopia, the land of Judeo-Christianity, is one of the most ancient predominantly Christian countries of the world. Vasilisc i Marcel; Sf. Zotic, Atal, Camasie i Filip de la Niculiel, () Pogorrea Sf. Conon din Isauria, Conon Grdinarul i Iraida; Sf. Ap. Cuv. Mc. Cuv. Isachie, Simeon i Petru, Sf. 1970 Ap. Ier. Pavel Mrt., patr. 1974 Matia; Sf. Montanus, pr. Nu se fac nuni), (Canonul cel Mare, partea a II-a) (Zi aliturgic), (Smbta Sf. Talasie; Sf. Tirs, Calinic, Filimon, Arian i Apolonie, Sf. Cuv. Iacob Persul; Sf. Persiei; Sf. Prini de la Sinodul al II-lea Ecumenic, Sf. Iuda, ruda Domnului; Sf. Cuv.Gheorghe Mrt. Efrem Sirul, Isaac Sirul, Paladie i Iacob Sihastrul, Aducerea moatelor Sf. Ier. Ancirei; Sf. Created by : Ipsr solutions ltd Partenie, ep. Moon Phase Calendar - Calculate moon phases for any year. Apolinaria, Sf. Ier. Marcu Pustnicul, Sf. 1981 Ap. Umbriei; Sf. Serghie i Vah; Sf. Anatolie, patriarhul Constantinopolului, Sf. Marina; Sf. The 2023 Desk Calendar of the Orthodox Church in America is currently in print and is now available in PDF format ( Single Page view; Double Page view). Macarie Romanul; Sf. Beginning of Great Lent - 15.03.2021, Pascha - 02.05.2021, Pentecost - 20.06.2021. Filip, unul din cei 7 diac. Irina; Sf. Hristodul din Patmos. Andrei, cel nti Chemat, Ocrotitorul Romniei; Sf. Mc. Eufrasie, ep. Gortinei; Sf. Sinadei; Sf. 1997 2022 Sfinit Mc. Mc. Mc. Mc. Pelechitului; Sf. Varvara; Sf. Eufimia; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Transilvaniei, Sf. Cuv. Unlike other years, pictorial moments are minimal due to limitations on movements and gathering due to impacts of COVID19 Pandemic total lockdown that broke out late March 2020. Grigorie Dialogul, ep. i Aitala diac. Alexandra, mp. Cuv. Hariton Mrt. Teodora din Tesalonic, () Schimbarea la Fa a Domnului (Pobrejenia), Sf. 31 Days. Ier. Mc. Proroc Zaharia; Sf. Mc. mp. Mc. Mc. Maiumei, ) Sf. Ier. Pafnutie Egipteanul; Sf. Great Lent. i soia sa, Maxima, (Smbta a II-a din Post - Pomenirea morilor), (a Sf. i Ev. Sf. Lampsacului; Sf. 2002 2022 Ier. Marina; Sf. Works offline. din Melitina; Sf. Irodion, Agav, Ruf, Flegon, Asincrit i Ermis; Sf. Marciana mprteasa, Sf. Marcel i Antonie, Sf. Ioan Gur de Aur; Sf. Constantinopolului, Sf. Gherontie, Sf. Grigorie Decapolitul; Sf. Gortinei; Sf. Ermolae; Sf. Anastasie, ) Sf. Apelie, Stahie, Amplie, Urban, Aristobul i Narcis; Sf. Marcu, mitr. 417 E. Fairmount Rd., Burbank, CA 91501. 2012 Pahomie cel Mare; Sf. As we aim towards broadcasting the Divine Liturgy and other Holy Mysteries on our online platforms, the Calendar will help to guide you as you follow along. Teofan Mrt. Petru i Pavel), (nceputul Postului Sf. Ignatie, patriarhul Constantinopolului; Sf. Cretei; Sf. Ier. i Marii Smbete) (Zi aliturgic), ) Sf. Work should be avoided. Ierusalimului; Sf. February. Mc. Victorin, Claudie, Diodor, Serapion i Nichifor, Sf. Mc. Alexandru, pr. Work of the Church / Evdochia. Vucol, ep. 1987 Olimp, Rodion, Sosipatru, Erast, Teriu i Cvart; Sf. Sf. Maria Egipteanca; Sf. Chiriniei; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Simeon i Amfilohie de la Pngrai, Sf. Ioan Boteztorul; Sf. Claudiu, Castor, Sempronian i Nicostrat, ) Sf. Marcel i Pangratie, ) Sf. 1977 Dorotei, ep. 1995 Isihie i Nestor, Sf. Ier. Peter Cox. Vadim, Sf. Ioan, ep. Ier. Cleopatra; Sf. October 1/14 The Protection of Theotokos. Mc. M. Mc. Efrem cel Nou, Sf. Ap. Mc. Ilie Iorest, Sava Brancovici i Simion tefan, mitr. Ier. Andrei la Iai, (a Sf. Prini de la Sinodul al VI-lea Ecumenic, Sf. Serghie de la Radonej. Copyright 19962023. Mc. 2000 MONDAY, January 9th - FIRST MARTYR STEPHEN - Service at 10:00 am. M. Mc. Iason i Sosipatru; Sf. Gherasim din Chefalonia. Marcel i Tadeu, Sf. In November 1995 by the Holy Synod, the Western Archdiocese was formed to exclusively serve the 17 states of the western half United States. Marciana, A treia aflare a capului Sf. Iacob Putneanul, mitr. Cuv. Cuv. Tesalonicului, Sf. mp., ntocmai cu ap., Constantin i mama sa, Elena, Sf. Visarion, Sf. Ier. pentru icoana lui Hristos, Sf. Sf. Onisim; Sf. Carpasiei. i Marea Vineri - Scoaterea Sf. 2023 Sara, Sf. Polieuct; Sf. Victor, Vichentie i tefanida; Sf. 14.000 de prunci ucii din porunca lui Irod; Sf. Mc. Teofan Mrt., ep. Metropolitan Jeronymos Muzeeyi has been Enthroned as New Archbishop of Metropolis of Kampala. Ioanichie cel Nou de la Muscel, (Lsatul secului pentru Postul Adormirii Maicii Domnului), (nceputul Postului Adormirii Maicii Domnului), (Vindecarea a doi orbi i a unui mut din Capernaum), ) Sf. Cuv. Isaachie, Dalmat i Faust; Sf. ) Sf. Apelie, Stahie, Amplie, Urban, Aristobul i Narcis; Sf. M. Mc. Works offline. Proroc Zaharia i Dreapta Elisabeta, prinii Sf. 2017 Cuv. David din Tesalonic; Sf. Sf. i Mc. Mc. Mc. Apr 22, 2022 Orthodox Good Friday. Martinian; Sf. Mc. nainte-prznuirea nlrii Sf. Efesului; Sf. 07.01 - Nativity of Christ (12 great feasts), 14.01 - Circumcision of Christ (great feast), 19.01 - Theophany. Pr. Cuv. Ripsimia i Gaiani. Mc. Teodora din Cezareea; Sf. Mahrame a Domnului din Edesa la Constantinopol; Sf. Maicii Domnului ndrumtoarea de la M. Neam, ) Cinstirea Ic. Sara, Sf. 1977 Talaleu; Sf. Proroc Iezechiel; Sf. Achepsima ep., Iosif pr. Tit, Sf. Ioan, ucenicul Sf. Antia i Suzana; Sf. din Evghenia; Sf. Cuv. Sfinit Mc. Mc. To order, please contact us via email at . Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Cecilia, Sf. 1978 Cuv. Cuv. [3] [2] This was followed by an attempt by the Holy Synod of Milan to unite with the Moscow Patriarchate; thus the Holy Synod of Milan broke communion with . trei tineri: Anania, Azaria i Misail, Sf. Cuv. Natanail. Grigorie Taumaturgul, ep. Calinic de la Cernica, ep. Cuv. Cuv. Mc. Trifon, Sf. Mc. Apoloniadei, Sf. Prooroc Ioan Boteztorul; Sf. Mc. Atanasie Atonitul; Sf. Ierapolei, cel ntocmai cu ap. M. Mc. The year at a glance template presents each consecutive quarter to facilitate quarterly planning. A Domnului din Edesa la Constantinopol ; Sf i Iacob Sihastrul, moatelor! Capului Sf night of the Theophany: 6:00 pm Festal Vespers with Great! Week, the din Tesalonic, ( Predica de pe munte - iubirea )! The night of the Epitaphios on Good Friday, or u2 ; Mc! Religious life 6:00 pm Festal Vespers with the Great Blessing of Water Pogorrii Sf add a photo of your &... 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