He is a constant in a changing world, an emissary from an older America. Dr. Paul talks about the coming dollar crash and how it will happen. We have become their pawns in their open display of a power grab the likes of which I have not seen in my lifetime. ~ Ron Paul. Most Americans will be blindsided by whats going to happen. We have enjoyed these because of His blessing because we were God-fearing and God worshipping people. Our founding fathers FOUGHT and PRAYED both. Education: Dr. Paul would like to see the U.S. Department of Education return its powers to the states and parents. I praise God for congressmen and senators like Paul Rand who dont allow the pressure to change their position on moral issues. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. Pro-Life Issue: Here is the one fact all Americans need to know. 2:10). Future Fuel will unleash $11 trillion wave of wealth, Porter Stansberry: If The Public Knew This, We Would Have A Revolution Tomorrow, if youre not careful, YOU could pay the price, something troubling is lurking right around the corner, take a look at this fascinating piece Dr. Paul has prepared, This peeing car is at the center of an $11.7 trillion energy revolution, Get Your Money Out of U.S. Banks Immediatley, Wall Street Watchdogs Editorial Integrity. Why would anyone like the AMA who are supposed to be intelligent doctors change what God had made? The false leadership we have in DC now will do anything they can to rule over us like the Communist in China. I speak Deut. God bless him, God please raise up many more leaders like him, and remove the evil reprobates from our government. I ask the Lord for wisdom on what I can do, I believe God wants us all to fast and pray, please pray that I will not take this lightly but be obedient. Workers' Rights: Dr. Ron Paul is against forcing workers to join unions and pay dues if they do not want to, citing the $8 billion that union leaders bring in annually that is often given to political candidates. Raise up more godly people to speak boldly for freedom for such a time as this. They have done NOTHING to benefit America and Americans in all of their years in office. Choose who you will stand for: God or the devil. 8. It is very difficult,. Click below to log in. And if youre not careful, YOU could pay the price., Few people in America today have Dr. Pauls knowledge of the inner workings of the government. Paul has complained about the "coronavirus hoax" on his website and his Facebook page and about "vaccine tyranny" on his YouTube show. My Daughter who works as a clinical Secretary at our local hospital which is now mandating the covid vaccine by September 30 or else you must be tested every day and go to classes(of indoctrination)..(punishment) Thank you so much for awesome prayer and support. Heres how. It's Time To Hold the Medical Journals Accountable, America's Fifth Column Has Sold Out the American People. Ive practiced medicine for 33 years, I have been telling everyone for a year now that Dr. Anthony Fauci and other public health officials were NOT following science, I think the tide has turned, and more and more people are willing to stand up. Power still corrupts and absolute power still corrupts absolutely. And, he is, too, if he's any good." Living in California my reps could care less what I have to say! Each of us old and young have been brought forth for such a time as this. Thank you Senator Paul for setting the example. Help us to walk in that freedom. There is a video clip making the rounds showing President Biden speaking at a recent NATO summit about the seven billion dollars the US government had - at that time - provided to Ukraine. 9. It is time for the church to hold these leaders accountable. So we have repented and we now take back what the enemy has stolen. Be strong and courageous. BEAUTIFUL & CORRECT PRAYER!! His other strong Constitution-based reforms outweigh the small risk that Roe v. Wade would be overturned during his term, returning the power to the states, who can then protect women's reproductive rights, as Vermont has. The goal is an accurate, clear and truthful dialogue. One of the myths I debunked was that Ron Paul is "anti-military." Certainly he instills fear in what Eisenhower called the military-industrial complex. Do not fear or be dismayed, Thank you Of course not! These documents were originally leaked by a member of our military, and they were spread in part by Russias supporters within our ranks. It would be good to follow up with action. Father God, creator of heaven and earth and all that is there in, I give you glory and honor, Lord your Word says where the Spirit of the Lord is there is LIBERTY
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