They seemed so adorable and loved snuggling up on me. The most common legal exotic pets in NJ are snakes and lizards. Many people think of exotic pets as animals that you would see in the zoo, such as lions and tigers. Administration of the Government Chapter 131 sections 23 et seq. Additionally, ferrets are known for being escape artists, so youll need to make sure their enclosure is secure. Lemurs, marmosets, squirrel monkeys, and capuchins require registration. In addition to prohibitions and restrictions on exotic pet ownership, the majority of states have some sort of permit, license, or registration requirement to possess certain animals. The Best Guide, What Do Leopard Geckos Eat? Primates are allowed that were owned prior to 01/01/2011 and grandfathered if owners registered the primate by 04/01/2011 and have followed up with proper notifications. New Jersey has a list of animals that are prohibited and illegal as pets (no permits are issued to pet owners) that include the big five (see the first paragraph) and species that theyve determined to be deleterious to the environment or public health. However she had almost a dozen macaws and her collection was slowly growing, because she could not find people capable of taking care of them who actually wanted a large macaw, *particularly* not ones with behavioral problems. Is it legal to have a squirrel moneky n nj. They are known for their happy, inquisitive nature and humorous behavior. Chapter 207. at maturity and owned before 10/1/2010, Hybrids except for TICA, CFA, or ACFA domestic cat hybrids, Hybrid dogs with wolves, coyotes or jackels, Reptiles or amphibians that are not venomous or protected or endangered, European ferrets, if neutered by 7 months and with rabies vaccine, Sugar gliders, with valid documentation from the USDA, Exotic cat hybrids, such as savannah cats, Domesticated pigs, such as pot-bellied pigs. So are ferrets illegal in the USA? Chapter 92 sections 29 et seq. Counties, Cities, and Other Local Units section 65.877. Monk and ring-neck parrots are able to survive in a Northern climate and are also illegal. There are many requirements for this permit including having liability insurance and permanently marking the animal with an identifier. Also, due to 7:25-4.5, coatimundis, another raccoon relative, can be kept in New Jersey provided you obtain a permit. Get expert advice to help your pet live its best life, Exploring Pet-Friendly National Parks: What You Need to Know, Serval Cat: Breed Profile, Characteristics & Care. . Maryland allows some animals to be kept as pets without permits, including: You may possess one of the following without a permit: Maryland forbids possession of numerous animals as pets, including: Turtles may be kept as pets under special permit: Certain counties have carved out the ability to regular hybrids of domestic and wild animals, including: None of the following can be kept as pets: Permits are required for certain animals, including: Native herp are allowed as pets in limited number, including: You can possess up to 12 of the following birds without a permit: The following "large carnivores" are prohibited from being kept as pets: Permits required for "large carnivores" and wolf-dogs grandfathered in with proper permits. In Arkansas, you can own bobcats, but not more than six at a time. New Jersey Exotic Animal Permit Information: By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Indiana does not bar any animals but you need permits for most of them. If you're considering getting a ferret, familiarize yourself with the laws in your state before bringing one home! Virginia Administrative Code sections 4VAC15-20-50 et seq. Iowa is pretty straightforward with its exotic animal laws. The email address cannot be subscribed. No more than one alligator snapping turtle may be taken out of the wild per day. The following exotic animals are allowed as pets: Many exotic animals may not be kept as pets, including: Permits are required for wild animals, and most often you can only own one (to prevent breeding). New Jersey Exotic Animal Permit Information: Wolves and wild cats allowed with permit. Dangerous animals may be possessed if they are assistive animals. Learn about the rules and regulations, as well as which animals are banned as pets. Question: can I own an octopus in New Jersey? We have yet to make it to 3000 members but the effort went forward after it seemed the best . Answer: You would need to apply for a Class 1 wildlife permit. Unless you registered the animal by January 1, 2018, large wild cats, non-native bears, and great apes like chimps, gorillas, and orangutans are prohibited to be kept as pets by South Carolina law. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'supercrazypets_com-large-leaderboard-1','ezslot_10',163,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-supercrazypets_com-large-leaderboard-1-0');report this adAll of our pet guides and tips. Hi there. Are ferrets illegal in Texas? From 7:25-4.3 Exotic Species and Non-Game Species Requiring a Permit for Possession: Please note: Emus, Ostriches, Greater Rheas, Lesser Rheas were designated as agricultural livestock pursuant to P.L. Public Health and Welfare sections 20-19-501 et seq. The state of Vermont has a long list of unrestricted animals that can be kept as pets but they do prohibit wild hogs and pigs. How Big Does a Leopard Gecko Get? A certificate of registration is required in Texas if you want to own a dangerous wild animal. Ferrets are very active animals and require a lot of space to move around. Youll want reasonably sized and secure housing for this clever animal to hopefully gain approval from The NJ DEP Division of Fish. More than 50 wild animals were set loose from a preserverequiring authorities to euthanize lions, tigers, bears, and wolves roaming the streets. 1. What states in the US allow ferrets? Though it takes her longer, she also finds homes for the cockatoos, though it takes awhile, because cockatoos have charming personalities that a lot of people find worth it. This permit, however, does not allow for anyone to own a wolf, skunk, bear, or any wild feline. Savannah cats that are not first generation, Bighorn sheep (except Nelson bighorn sheep), Most marine non-mammals except anadromous and catadromous species, Primates under 35 lbs. . TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Please enter a legal issue and/or a location, Begin typing to search, use arrow Bullfrogs and Northern leopard frogs are required to be over 6 inches. If you wish to keep and propagate certain animals, even with no intention of selling them, you will need to obtain a "noncommercial propagating license" for the following animals: Possessing wild reptiles and amphibians requires detailed records and written permission from the chief of the division of wildlife. Question: Can I own a toucan in New Jersey? Jim Jan the pizza man on August 19, 2020: Jim Jam the pizza man on August 10, 2020: Can I legally own a wolf/dog mix in New Jersey? Answer: Yes, but you need to apply for a permit for possession of a kangaroo. Chinchillas, hamsters, llamas, and many other animals that are commonly considered to be domesticated are exempt from permit requirements and wolves, big game and trophy game animals like bear, mountain lions, and moose are prohibited. However, it's important to keep in mind that while your state may allow you to keep certain animals as pets, there are often county or city rules which further restrict or prohibit such ownership. Livestock sections 2-701 et seq. A wallaby is another species youll need a permit for, which is a tad more reasonable than needing one for a hedgehog or ferret. (I was fortunate that I lived in a house for the whole time I had my sun conure, even then my brother grew to hate him.). $200. While rodents have long, continuously-growing incisors, ferrets have sharp, carnivorous teeth. The most important thing for ferret care is to provide ample opportunity for play and exercise. Idaho Regulations. Approx 3 years old. The wild animals that require these permits include kangaroos, primates, non-domesticated canines, non-domesticated felines, crocodiles, alligators, elephants, bats, sloths, armadillos, Gila monsters, venomous snakes and more. Possession of Wildlife. New Mexico License required for keeping falcons or raptors. Wildlife purchased from a dealer or pet shop. Montana Title 81. Iowa Code Annotated Title 16. In the state of New Jersey, there are no special permits required to own a ferret. Florida Administrative Code sections 68A-.001, et seq. ferrets for sale in new jersey baby ferrets for sale in new jersey can you own a ferret in new jersey can you own a ferret in nj is it legal to own a ferret in new jersey are ferrets legal in new. Nevada lists all the prohibited wild animals and hybrids in their state laws but it isn't as restricting as some other states. This list was compiled in July 2009. Oregon Revised Statutes Animals sections 609.305 et seq. With that in mind I decided to do some heavy research to find out which of the US states ferrets are illegal in. Conservation and Development, section 4709, Importation & Possession Rules Unrestricted Wild Animal List. Florida separates different exotic animals into three Classes. Chapter 7 sections 701 et seq. Question: Can I own flying squirrel in New Jersey? What pets are legal to own in NJ? Animals exempt from permitting include non-venomous reptiles, ferrets, chinchillas, sugar gliders, squirrels, and other less dangerous animals. Raccoons cannot come from the wild, they must come from a licensed breeder, but this is a good thing due to rabies concerns. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Pet owners are limited to one Timber Rattlesnake. You must have an Exotic Wildlife Possession permit to have an exotic pet, which includes: Timber rattlesnakes and Eastern copperheads may be kept as pets only if legally collected from the wild and require a Venomous Snake Permit. Endangered species cannot be kept as pets. She now works with a team of other experienced vets to provide the best advice and care for their clients' pets. Will A Hamster Die Without A Wheel? New Jersey. The following animals do not need a license to be kept as pets: Some imported birds must have legal import documentation, which then excludes them from requiring a license, including: A Noncommercial Wildlife Breeders License is required to own any wildlife that is not specifically allowed as pets, including: Some exotic animals are not considered to be wild, and thus can be pets with no permit required, including: Oregon lists some wildlife as Noncontrolled, and thus these pets do not require a permit: Oregon prohibits "exotic animal" pets unless the owner obtained a valid Oregon exotic animal permit prior to 2010. In Lousiana, you'll need to obtain a permit to own a large or venomous snake as well as take any animal from the wild to keep as a pet. Minnesota has restrictions on what they refer to as regulated animals. Department of Wildlife Conservation. There is no State law on owning ferrets but please check County/City laws. Game and Fish section 17-306, Arizona Administrative Code Title 12 Natural Resources. There appear to be no requirements that would be hard for an average pet owner to meet. Like other states, some counties and cities also have additional restrictions and regulations on what kinds of animals can be kept as pets. Be aware that raccoons will likely be euthanized if they bite or scratch a member of the public to test for rabies because the vaccines are not approved for them. Pennsylvania Statutes Title 34 Pa.C.S.A. This list includes all bears, coyotes, lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, cougars, wolves and any crossbreeds of these animals. There's plenty of people who understand the commitment and think it's worth it for a small parrot. Dangerous animals may not be pets unless grandfather in. Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders section 578.023, Missouri Rules of Department of Conservation Division 10Conservation Commission Chapter 4Wildlife Code: General Provisions section 10-9. Animals and Livestock section 77-18-1, New Mexico Administrative Code section, New York Consolidated Laws, Environmental Conservation Law - ENV section 11-0103, North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 153A. Question: Can someone own a Capybara in NJ? The Ultimate Guide To Pet Rat Diet And Feeding. Finally, there are also restrictions on releasing any non-native animal into the wild, including those that were captive bred, unless the individual holds a license or permit to do so. Another popular pet that is legal in many states is the hedgehog. Large carnivores, such as lions, tigers, and bears are illegal to own unless you received a permit for them by 2005. Skunks Surprisingly, unlike its neighboring states, prominent rabies vectors like skunks are legal with a permit in NJ. One option is to check with local rescue groups. While ferrets are legal in all other states, some cities have outlawed them as pets. The prohibited animal list include bears, large cats, wild canines, wild cat and wild dog hybrids, kangaroos, wild cattle and deer, birds of prey, alligators, geckos and most other lizards, hedgehogs, gerbils, hamsters, and even ferrets. Wildlife and Management section 503.140, New Hampshire Revised Statutes Title 18 Fish and Game. At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. Question: Can I own a dragon snake in Morris County, New Jersey? Primates are not allowed as pets unless they were in possession before 2011 and already registered with the state. Chapter 25. This important document outlines the protocols for managing ferrets involved in a bite or scratch incident. Felines, except mountain lions and bobcats, Wolves that are lawfully acquired and bred in captivity, Nonvenomous, nonindigenous reptile species and subspecies, Albino forms of indigenous reptile species, Old World species of pheasants, partridges, quails, francolins, peafowl and jungle fowl, except Chukar partridges, Hungarian partridges, snow cocks; and ring-necked and white, winged pheasants, Saltwater fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, Nonindigenous species of amphibians, except bullfrogs. The Pet Supply Guy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, and This exotic pet resembles a monkey but is actually related to raccoons. keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. Note that ferrets are legal under most state laws including Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wyoming, and more. In addition, well cover topics such as licensing and registration requirements and more. Since weasels like to chew, a metal cage is better than plastic because weasels can't chew through the material. The Colorado Wildlife Act does not allow you to keep most exotic animals as pets. Ferrets are only allowed as pets if they were neutered or spayed at the time of purchase and vaccinated for both distemper and rabies. Cougars, panthers, or cheetahs acquired before August 27, 2009 are allowed. However, permits may be difficult to obtain. Question: Can I own a pine martin in New Jersey? This state restricts potentially dangerous animals from being kept as pets. Class I includes large cats, bears, many primates, Komodo dragons, elephants, hippos, rhinos and other potentially dangerous animals. - Petco ferrets are neutered and as social animals, they enjoy each others' company Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 37. Ferret Shelters - New Jersey. Agriculture sections 19-34-1 to 19-34-9, West Virginia Code Chapter 20. Ferrets and many reptiles are still allowed to be cared for along with animals that are trained to help you if you have a severe mobility impairment. Alaska Statutes Title 16. The following animals are barred from personal possession: Permits required to possess certain wildlife. Answer: In New Jersey, that would require a permit and inspections, which is not an easy task. North Carolina does not list any specific animals that can definitively be kept as pets. Animals section 5, Illinois Statutes Chapter 515. Ned a permit ! This permit is required for primates, bears, non-domesticated dogs, and non-domesticated cats. Below is the table showing State laws on the ownership of ferrets. She is trained as a Fear Free Certified Professional to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets. Game sections 2961 to 2963, Pennsylvania Admin. They are actually common in the pet trade and pose a scant risk to public safety. Adrienne Kruzer is a veterinary technician with more than 15 years of experience providing healthcare to domestic and exotic animals. Owning a wild animal without a permit is a Class IV misdemeanor in Nebraska. Prohibited and Restricted Exotic Animals Because of the danger inherent in animal ownership, some states prohibit the possession of wild or exotic animals altogether, while most simply restrict possession to certain species. So if he has one then you should be able to. The red squirrel is on this list, as are chipmunks and flying squirrels. Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 54. Criminal Law and Procedure Chapter 717F sections 1 et seq. Question: Can I own a kangaroo in New Jersey? Then Mr Giuliani made the ban specific to ferrets due to rabies concerns and fears of attacks on. And while small and non-temperamental parrots are easy to rehome, large and temperamental parrots aren't, at least not if you're rehoming them responsibly. All feral quaker populations come from escaped wild-caught birds, and they've proven not to be invasive, since they can't survive outside of cities. All exotic animals, unless specificially mentioned as exempt, require an individual permit to be kept as a pet. Surprisingly, unlike its neighboring states, prominent rabies vectors like skunks are legal with a permit in NJ. Special Permits or Licenses Required to Legally Own Exotic Animals. Ferrets are playful, curious creatures that make great pets. Ferrets require a high-quality diet rich in protein. Dr. Diehl is a passionate veterinarian pursuing specialty medicine with over 6 years' experience with exotic pets. Permits are required for some controlled exotic wildlife, including: Pennsylvania does not specifically list exotic pets that are illegal to own. As long as you have a proper cage for your ferret and are keeping them up to date on their vaccinations, you should be able to own one without any issues. Kept in New Jersey Yes, but you need to apply for a permit and inspections, which not! And think it 's worth it for a small parrot with over years. Free legal Information and Resources on the web, anxiety, and bears illegal. 717F sections 1 et seq vets to provide the best Guide, what Leopard... And game you Can own bobcats, but not more than six at a.! Not list any specific animals that Can definitively be kept as pets being escape,. In pets & possession rules Unrestricted wild animal are ferrets legal in nj before bringing one home Local section. Forward after it seemed the best Guide, what Do Leopard Geckos?. 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