In response to your question no, CPAP Therapy is not supposed to make you feel worse. Hi Percy, my apologies for the delayed response. Ive been having an average of 8 hours sleep with the mask and have felt good when I wake up. OSCAR is software compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems, developed for reviewing and exploring data produced by supported CPAP, bilevel, ventilators and related machines used in the treatment of sleep apnea. ResMed ASV maintains a constant Minute Volume to manage Central Sleep Apnea. The least severe of these events are flow limits followed by hypopnea and then obstructive apnea. Oscar requires that data is collected on an SD card which MUST be inserted into the PAP machine during use to record detailed data. Any thoughts? by dorilou28 Sun May 16, 2021 6:11 pm, Return to CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board. For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may email us at: BiLevel for MOST with a diagnosis of UARS Quoting the article "in our clinical and research experience, we are using gaps of 4 to 12 cm of water in our patients. Often, but not always, there will be CAs (or Hs or sometimes OAs) scored at the nadir of the cycle. Deutsch / Congrats on getting your AHI down! See the relationship between Pressure and Mask Pressure. We wish you continued success with your therapy! These two event are indicated by dashed lines and circles. It isnt perfect, but it isnt bad. Session Information. ResMed's ResScan clinical analysis and patient data management software lets you update device settings and download, analyze and store therapy data from your PC. If your AHIwasstable, but it is suddenly increasing over the past few weeks or months, you should book a follow up appointment. The AHI, is considered normal if under 5, so your AHI of 7, is too high. What does all this mean. How do I bring up that apnea index line on my Sleep Report screen? 1 OSCAR Help 2 Creating a Profile 3 Importing Data into OSCAR the FIRST time 3.1 macOS Ventura 13 users 4 Importing Data into OSCAR AFTER the first time 4.1 Step 1. Post We can be reached at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at: Please tell me what the numerical values mean when running the mask fit. Flow Limits are often the main driver of pressure increases, especially with ResMed devices. Be sure to speak with your doctor, so that he/she, may review your complete therapy data report, if this becomes a trend. Nearly all that is happening throughout the night can be seen in the Flow Rate graph though usually in a zoomed view. by palerider Sun May 16, 2021 3:40 pm, Post General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea. A usage threshold determines the minimum time that you must use your device in order to be compliant. by Julie Sun May 16, 2021 2:51 pm, Post All Periodic Breathing should be viewed in a zoomed view to identify its properties. Also, please be sure that there arent any holes in your hose. Can you please let me how to do this? You can purchase special. iam using respro G20 A. Even though I never felt tired or had any other symptoms, my husband said I would stop breathing when I sleep. Hi Walt, Hi Ban, my apologies for the delayed response. In a patient with flow-limited breathing this equates to an inspiratory waveform with a flat top (i.e., a constant inspiratory flow-rate.). The mask pressure graph shows the pressure at the mask on a breath-by-breath basis. Please answer. Divide hypopnea + apnea by sleep time and then multiply the number by 60. If not, you should. Why should I have an AHI of 59 today amd 95 yesterday if using the cpap machine? Apneas (200), Hypopnea (200) = Total number of episodes is 400. This page was last modified on 12 December 2022, at 06:01. Thank you. First is mask leak. Hi there my AHI is reading 0.9 and my pressure is 12 was wondering how many episodes is that? Now, look at the little arrows in the calendar. Both, AHI and Events per Hour are important. OSCAR - the Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter OSCAR is software compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems, developed for reviewing and exploring data produced by supported CPAP, bilevel, ventilators and related machines used in the treatment of sleep apnea. To assist in understanding your devices responses. by palerider Sun May 16, 2021 5:02 pm, Post Also, you should discuss the increase in AHIs, with your doctor, since he/she, will be able to review your therapy data and determine if you would possibly benefit from a setting adjustment. Please see the link below for more information on headache and other side effects that you may experience. What is the name of your machine? Now Im told that the :Sleep Report screen should show my apnra index in the morning, but my machine does not have that line on the Sleep Report screen. First two weeks everything cool except haveing to change from a medium to a small nose pillow. Your upper airway anatomy and the nature of your airway obstruction play the biggest role in figuring out the required pressure setting. The Pressure Interval for 8.6 is highlighted in yellow. But the only pop up window I see is "Find directory". The severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS), according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force follows the below categories. On the other hand, COPD is an irreversible chronic inflammatory process that leads to a gradual reduction in the lumen of the conducting airways. 120 mL/hr is actually quite small. An AHI, below 5, is considered normal. Thanks Graham. Whether this is worth doing on a regular basis is another question altogether. Mine is erroring out constantly. I see flames on screen. Unfortunately, this is a machine model that doesnt sell. Part 7: OSCAR Tutorial. You then take this number and multiply by 60. The following image shows a series of 3 events scored within an 8-minute period, followed by over an hour of sleep where no additional OA, CA, or H events were scored. Statistics for pressure, leaks, snores, and respiration. Re: how to read Oscar - so confused and overwhelmed. We wish you continued success with your CPAP Therapy. More than one episode per sleep hour is considered abnormal. , its 0.9 is that normal? If the machine is being used without the proper diagnosis, it could cause harm to you if you are getting more pressure than you need. Hypopneas 23 So basically the goal of using CPAP is to have a less than 5 AHI ? They may want to replace your CPAP with a BiPAP. Zero means none, severity increasing as the index approaches one. on screen would please explain what it means thank you. Midway through this graph is an obstructive UA event (we know it's obstructive because the Resmed doesn't miss a central). Sleep alters respiratory physiology in various ways. Woke up at 10:30 AM, my machine time said 4 hours. To turn the pie chart on and off, press Ctrl-P on your keyboard (For macOS press fn-F3). Click the Add Bookmark button. Please wait for others (like Pugsy) because which graphs - and which not - is important, plus there's more to the layout, though you got a bit closer there. Mask Pressure is the Pressure at the mask. Hi Peter, the leak rate can effect your AHI. It's not showing the entire night because I am not sure how to do a screen shot for the entire night. Lastly, having CPAP treatment meant more energy which helped me lose more weight more quickly! There are some comfort adjustment features that you may have access to, which does not require you speaking with your doctor. A simplified view of the different types of events you have experienced. Two questions: Last night I had a reading of 21.8 apneas per hour. You may speak with your doctor, or your local sleep center to see if they have the software available. It sounds like your CPAP therapy is working well for you. Eventually you will get used to it! My questions are 1) is the AHI measurement standard on all machines the same or is perhaps the Respironics more sensitve to what it considers an event? HI Minimal Tidal Volume = 6 ml/kg * IBW Many come with a smiley face that lets you know everything is running properly and a frowning face to let you know theres a problem. The graphical display of events is useful in determining whether they occurred at a particular time, in clusters, or spaced throughout the night. Actual sleep time (420 minutes) (seven hours x 60 minutes) Divide the 400 by 420 = .95 x 60 = AHI 57 (severe apnea) In this example, an AHI of 57 falls into the severe sleep apnea category. It an insurance scam, is all it about killing an ant with a sledgehammer! Morbid obesity and sarcoidosis are examples of extrinsic problems that cause restriction by limiting chest wall expansion. Also, make sure that you have no leak coming from your hose. When I awoke at 5:30 my ahi rating was 2.2. [new] Detect DreamStation 2 cards, which are still unsupported. I would assume (being I had 4 events per hour on average) that my machine attempted to ramp up to my max of 20 at some point right? by dorilou28 Sun May 16, 2021 4:09 pm, Post It sounds like the nasal mask, is a better option for you however, you must take your comfort into consideration also. I'm going to bump you up here now with this post. Its important to understand and monitor the CPAP machine readings so you and your doctor can be assured your CPAP therapy is working as it should. Yesterday I lower the pressure and I got a little lower AHI as a result. Im new to this machine and the company that gave it to me didnt explain it to me and dont see my Dr till January. OSCAR is based on SleepyHead so it will get you heading in the right direction. Minute ventilation, also known as total ventilation, is a measurement of the amount of air that enters the lungs per minute. In fact, when individuals lose around 10 percent body weight, they may need to turn down the CPAP settings. In addition, Philips machines show individual snores as events labeled VS1 and VS2 (vibratory snore 1 and 2). Let us know. Is that AHI score likely to be inaccurate with a high leak rate? Can you explain why? Its common for AHI to vary from night to night. Therefore, a person relies on the diaphragm to maintain an adequate tidal volume during REM. it seems to me if the machine was working my AHI would be 0 . see Daily (Standard Charts)above for discussion. Is something wrong? It is the lower additional leak line that indicates whether the leak is excessive or not. The exception: In the File/Preferences/CPAP tab there is a section for those of you that may want to experiment called Custom CPAP User Event Flagging. Todays CPAP machines are designed to cope with some degree of an excessive leak by blowing more air into the semi-closed system to preserve the desired pressure setting. In this example, an AHI of 57 falls into the severe sleep apnea category. The diaphragm is the primary muscle of inspiration and is the one most commonly affected in NMDs. A chin strap may help keep your mouth closed and reduce the air leak if you wear a nasal mask. A bookmark stating the time and date will be created. Alternatively, use the menu item View | Show Pie Chart. The AHI first increases to 3 and it stays at 3 until each of the three events "age" out of the running total: The Time at Pressure graphs the amount of time spent at a specific pressure. Wiki article on Flow Limitation/UARS and BiPAP, is authored by a well-known MD, who deals extensively with sleep disorders, and is considered an Expert on UARS. Please see the links below for a couple of options. These requirements vary by the requiring organization and may even vary by country. When I wake up in the mornings I look at the sleep report on the display which shows a pressure of about 10 each time. It is usually suggested that VS2 be turned off when presenting screenshots for discussion as the large number of events recorded can overwhelm other data on the charts. for all practical purposes, the following three terms are interchangeable: Monitor your RDI vs your AHI. Most therapy is around 4 inches or 10 cmw. Additionally, respiratory response to hypoxic and hypercapnic stimuli decreases, not to mention the decreased central respiratory drive, which, along with accessory muscle paralysis, leads to a slight decrease in tidal volume and minute ventilation. It is a vital clinical parameter that allows for proper ventilation to take place. Are you able to sleep through the night or if youre still waking up frequently? The Time at Pressure has pressure on the x-axis and time duration (in minutes) on the y-axis. I'd show the OSCAR reports to a sleep doctor. Expiration occurs to expel carbon dioxide and prevent it from accumulating in the body. When reading your sleep report: For the IHA reading. Below are instructions for how to access the provider menu on the Respironics M Series Pro CPAP machines. They show your apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), brief details of your machine and its settings, the time you slept, and the events which occurred during your sleep. Event rates per hour. For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to call us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at: Titration refers to slowly adding more of something until you achieve the desired effect. Hey Dan, we are happy to hear that you found the article helpful. After losing weight i changed to an APAP machine. What does this mean? Do I need to talk with my doctor about any adjustments? For example, take a warm bath before you go to bed. My brother uses an oral device effectively and has mild SA. I put on about 10 lbs and now my sleep test says I have 10 ahi, minimal SA. I agree you need a higher pressure I'd say 9, but 10 also works. What does the 10 mean? Hi Greg, my apologies, but in order to accurately answer your question, please provide the name and model of your machine. Usually, for the mask fit, you receive either a smiley face if the fit is good, or a sad face if the mask need to be adjusted, not numbers. Starting from the top, the key parts of the left side-bar are. My apologies, but I need more information in order to accurately answer your question. This cycle is longer than other causes of central sleep apnea cycle, which typically have a cycle length of 30 to 45 minutes. Thanks. When my doctor saw that my 30-day average for AHI was 5.6, he said that was fine. Whats total AI means? Hey Pat, an AHI of 5.6 denotes Mild Sleep Apnea. Hi Jordan, your AHI reading of 0.9 means on average you have less than 1 event per night, thats great! If the sizing is not correct, this could be the cause of the high leak rate. Minute ventilation is not routinely monitored during sleep studies. It measures around 500 mL in an average healthy adult male and approximately 400 mL in a healthy female. For our purposes, Pressure Support and EPR may be considered the same, with that provided by a BiLevel having the capability of a much higher value and can be applied in smaller increments. Hi Kamleshwar, Hey Rich, sorry to hear about the leak rate that you are experiencing. Hello Guest, Welcome to Apnea Board ! It is recorded in much higher resolution than Pressure is. On the Daily page, select the bookmark you wish to delete, then click "Remove Bookmark" at the bottom of the panel. Etiology Basically, anything less than 5 events per hour is considered normal. To minimize the monthly calendar, just click on the triangle to the left of the current date. Note that turning a session off will change the calculated AHI for the night. Its important to understand and monitor your CPAP machine readings. Through sleep study I was diagnosed in the severe category at 31increasing to 65 in deep REM with O2 levels down to 80%. Interstitial lung diseases, such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and asbestosis, cause progressive fibrosis of the lung tissue. Minute ventilation (or respiratory minute volume or minute volume) is the volume of gas inhaled (inhaled minute volume) or exhaled (exhaled minute volume) from a person's lungs per minute. Sleep is very important for your health!!! Cheyne-Stokes respirationis a specific form of periodic breathing ( waxing and waning amplitude of flow or tidal volume) characterized by a crescendo-decrescendo pattern of respiration between central apneas or central hypopneas. Please see the link below with more information. My machine says Settling 4.0 what that means. Cheyne-Stokes respirationis characterized by alternating apnea and hyperventilation during sleep, mostly in the N1 and N2 sleep, and also when awake. Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or e-mail us at:, with further questions, or concerns. Depending on your machine settings there may be several traces shown - usually the inhale pressure (IPAP) and exhale pressure (EPAP). Master your therapy and improve your sleep with our powerful cloud-ba. The night before was 4.5 before that 2.3. Basically, your AHI was higher because after you went back to sleep, per hour you had more apneas, than you had during your initial sleep. Some ResMed's do not report I and E times, Which ones do not (AutoSet, Elite?). Do you agree? I recently downloaded the DreamMapper app and for the first time I was able to see my AHI results7.3 (Total clear airway apneas 27-Total obstructive apneas 34- Total Hypopneas-10. Any issues? Note that although this is used to calculate the time asleep, the CPAP machine has no way of knowing if you were actually asleep or not. Any periodic waxing/waning patterns will show up at that magnitude. I like less pressure because it makes me more comfortable. Another option that you have is to take the SD card that records data in your machine to your DME and they would print out the compliance report. 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