Te dejo el nuevo cap. Nos vemos! Qu tal quedo? She is the younger sister of Spencer Shay and the daughter of Colonel Steven Shay and Mrs. Shay. Y te asegura que comprendo perfectamente lo de las faltas de ortografa, tratare de hacer lo mejor que pueda pero nunca fui muy buena en eso. _-Sam!_ grito Freddie sujetndola y girando, quedando el encima de Sam_ Sal del silln y toma el tocino! Are you able to help at all? No, like the watery part of milk that remains after the formation of curds. -Spencer no esta aqu, por favor deje su mensaje despus del tono Piii The camera show Adam for about 12 seconds and goes back to Carly but the brush is in her left hand and the battery is in her right hand (It's not really a goof; Carly might have switched the items in her hands before the camera turns back to her). This is an impression of Jerry Lewis's famous catchphrase, made famous in. **-Bruzzxa-k: **ok yo la advierto a Kate (la chica de ojos verdes y cabellos castaos). **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** The stunt double wearing a wig that is supposed to be Sam has masculine arms. **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** -Si_ respondieron los otros dos -Objecin, si Freddie estuviera realmente enamorado de Carly no le hubiera dado su primer beso a Sam ** Que bueno que te guste la fic, perdn por tardar en actualizar. Eres un cobarde o que? Bueno hasta donde lo tengo planeado pienso terminar el fic y tratar de actualizar un poco mas rpido que la ultima vez. Al principio se vea el video del show y despus los comentarios It's a lifestyle. Bueno que importa, correr el riesgo. **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** Carly: Leave the hat. Que bueno que te haya gustado el cap, espero que te haya gustado la continuacin. De: _SoICarly-ish_ Recent changes. When are going to drop your first video? De: _SeddieFan74_ **-celeste-selena: **gracias! I clearly did it all wrong. Cambiando de tema, que bueno que te haya gustado el cap y espero que tambin te guste la continuacin! **Sam POV** -Aunque sea muy divertido_ agrego Sam y luego apret el botn de las risas -Sam_ regao la castaa mirndola acusadoramente Chapter 9 . iStart a Fan War Carly: (to Adam via video chat) Freddie was just heading out. -Ohh Spencer, estas mas que muerto_ le dijo amenazadoramente Sam iStart a Fan War. A wooden stool is thrown at Carly and smashes against the backdrop behind the panel - which is odd, given that the audience members are all sitting on red chairs. A guy held a Seddie sign, and a girl held a Creddie sign, but a few scenes after the Fat Shake scene they each hold the opposite sign. A veces las cosas nunca cambian **Mi POV** 6. iStart a Fan War 7. iHire an Idiot 8. iPity the Nevel 9. iOMG 10. iParty with Victorious. Welcome to the new version of iCarly Fanon Wiki! Oh, good. Return to iStart a Fanwar Credits to iCarly Wiki on Fandom This page uses content from iCarly Wiki on Fandom. -Ya que_ respondieron a coro It's just the same thing you did before with a few new pieces, right? Pero raro o no es divertidsimo, las veces que me ha hecho rer. Cuando llego el oo miro la situacin y unos segundos despus dijo Y que bueno que te guste la fic; espero no haber tardado mucho en actualizar y que te guste la continuacin! When I got back from Italy, I went to college. **. Espero no haber tardado mucho en actualizar, pero iggual creo que fue la vez que mas rapido actualise un fic. It had been rumored by fans that he would return, but eventually did not. -Sam_ le contesto el otro entre dientes Fan: YOU lie! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Make sure you subscribe to her/him too! Carly, Sam and Freddie. Espero que sigas leyendo y que te guste la continuacin! **Reviews:** -Ey mira Freddie, por fin alguien hablan de ti. **iza93: **gracias! No se puede trabajar contigo, ni siquiera me escuchas Sure. Why don't you like it? Carly: [annoyed] I told you it was diet now go get a sponge Carly: [After the crowd pulls Freddie in and Spencer tries to pull him out and fails] Here's your nerd stick! I got to run to the bathroom, but then I want to hear all about this channel. Gibby's Grandfather keeps thinking Gibby is saying "Webicorn", despite the fact Gibby is clearly saying ", In the beginning scene, Sam reveals that she and, This is the third time Spencer has sung in the series. _-Chicos, basta se pueden lastimar o romper algo del show_ ( Cheers and applause) Ah! Well, I'm dating someone too. Oh, and sorry I haven't posted iMake Her Wishes Come True or iHave Another Dirty Little Secret, I'll start those when I'm done with this.) It is the season's first special (two-part episode). iCan't Take It. You guys came. **Reviews:** Sam: Y queremos decirles que yo nunca saldra con un oo como Freddie I forgot about my marionette-making phase. This is still "iCarly", but it's grown-up now. In no way am I worried. I thought this was America! -Es enserio? Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. Pancakes are on the way. **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** -Ok If you were sitting around hoping for broader humor on Nickelodeon's iCarly, the wait is over. I share custody with my ex, who divorced me and took all my nice shirts. De: _CreddieROCKS_ (Votos a Favor: 320) Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio SilencioSilencio Silencio Silencio Segu poniendo resistencia, cunado sent que Carly me tomaba de los tobillos y tiraba para sacarme del silln, yo estando bien agarrada al silln no me mov en lo mas mnimo. Why is there a framed picture of Luke on that table? -Sam!_ grit su amiga It is the season's first special (two-part episode). **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** When Sam said "Carly and Freddie are deeply in love", Carly refers to her as an 'erk'. -A enserio? Spencer does battle with a costumed nemesis. Saludos desde Argentina! Freddie luces de seriedad_ dijo Carly y en eso se apagaron las luces y apareci una luz que solo alumbraba a las dos chicas ,-Bueno como sabemos a muchos les interesa todo el asunto del debate.. This is a major setback for Carly, since her crush Adam walks out of the conference hall, thinking Carly loves Freddie. Aspartamay: Your blood, it will boil, your flesh I shall burn it's eternal damnation, but I guess that you've earned it! Todo marchaba bien excepto que ambos seguan discutiendo sobre que pareja era mejor sin hacer ningn progreso. This backfires, however, when the Creddie fans think that Adam took Carly away from Freddie, and they end up attacking Adam, and the iCarly trio, tired of trying to reason with them, leaves. She is the best friend of Sam Puckett and former best friend of Missy Robinson whom she hung out with during her childhood. N/A: nada! Gibby: Awww you took the man! N/A: No tienes remedio -Y queremos decirles que yo nunca saldra con un oo como Freddie_ dijo la rubia Y como decamos ninguno de nosotros esta saliendo Cudate vos tambin! ** [fist bump] Gracias! Also I decided not to call the Jonas people. Y ahora me las vas a pagar_ dijo la rubia alzando su brazo_ Accessorizing that tacky-ass apron made me realize that I want to be a stylist, and now I have a job and a dream and all the half-and-half I can drink. Segui escribiendo! **. -Cmo que no tienes idea?Que clase de nerd de computadora se supone que eres! **Se acabo el cap! Woohoo! Nuevo Plan Prcticamente una copia a la cosa de los comentarios de YouTube, pero que puedo decir lo vi y me inspire xD. Freddie deberamos salir ** Spencer: You look like you're hungry, so taste the blade of Aruthor! Cudate y saludos desde Argentina! Mientras arriba, Kate y Blake discutan Woohhoo! 2006 Kid's Choice Awards, 6 2006 29 2008 2 2011. Pero hay que empezar ya, no tenemos mucho tiempo Gibby's Grandfather: [To drive-thru guy] What kind of restaurant doesn't have soup?! **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** *** What are you doing here? Anyway, now I own a falcon named Jericho. **En la plaza central** -Hola mundo- gritaron las dos chicas You two made s'mores. At the panel, Stacey Dillsen (from Zoey 101) asks about the circumstances behind Carly and Freddie's relationship. ** Adis conciencia! The first time was in, This is the third episode Guppy says "Happy Birthday! -No hagas eso! -Ey y en esa pgina a la que entraos el otro da?_ propuso Sam Que bueno que te gustara, espero que te guste este cap! Leave it all to me ** Meanwhile, Spencer faces his online gaming nemesis Aspartamay. Of every situation ** Bueno perdn por dejarte con la intriga tanto tiempo Pero al fin actualice! He appears in iStart a Fanwar and is portrayed by Max Ehrich. Arrivedeci! It was used as a chemical weapon in World War I. -Entonces que propones? Aw, that's so sweet. Cambiando de tema, espero que te haya gustado la continuacin y no haberte hecho esperar mucho. Arrivederci! -Djenme pensar NO!_ respondieron a coro, se miraron y salieron de la pantalla After that, it's back to numbly eating frozen french fries straight from the bag. When Guppy yells, "I'm hearing the voices!" In real life, chlorine gas is extremely harmful to humans. iCarly is an American sitcom that focuses on a girl named Carly Shay who creates her own web show called iCarly with her best friends Sam and Freddie. -Olvdalo. **-Sabrynaseddie: **gracias! -**tranfer2010: **y si que puedo decir, son Sam y Freddie XP. Couldn't agree more, which is why after Spencer designed this sculpture, I outfitted it with a sneaky, little spot for a camera. Carly: [to Sam] Yes! Arrivederci! Freddie: Did you tell Adam that Sam was kidding? 1. s01e04 - iGot Your Back Tran script. N/A: pero ya sabes que es Sam, sino como va a tener la voz igual a Sam Hola gente! . Carlotta "Carly" Shay (born July 24, 1994)[1] (age 16) is the main protagonist of the TV series iCarly, and her own webshow, iCarly. Jack Black: [dressed as Aspartamay] Fifteen hours, my friend! We have custom emotes, fun bots, quizzes and more. Justin Bieber and the Teen Choice Awards are mentioned in this episode. Y si era imposible no rerse con eso jaja xD. Ok, yo me encargo de que Sam no mate a Spencer, el hace la historia muy divertida imposible que deje que lo mate. Adam: [Stares] - Freddie y tu se ven taaann lindos!_ dijo una chica pelirroja de ojos celestes desde la pantalla Es obvio que no van a llegar a ningn lado con esto_ grite ya harta Carly: An MM-what? -Cul se supone que era la contrasea, tonto? Escuche a los pasos de Sam subiendo la escalera y en un momento de desesperacin me lance detrs de un gran montn desordenado de cosas que las chicas usaron para iCarly. Aunque Sam probablemente me mate [1], He is Carly's love interest for that episode. [The convention is still in chaos, with foam swords being waved here and there and people grappling with Creddie and Seddie signs. (If iStart a fanwar is like this I still don't own iCarly btw) Chapter 1 (If you know what a fanwar is just go with what I said it is, ok? Hey there! So what do you do? NO ME MATES POR FAVOR! **Horas despus** **1 hora despus** Y cudate vos tambin! edited 1 day ago. 2023 METACRITIC, A FANDOM COMPANY. -Jajajajajajajajajja aunque jaajajaaj quisiera jajaja no po.. jaja dra detenerme jajaja y creme jaja no quiero jajajajajaja_ respondio entre risas Hoy en la plaza central a las 17:30 hs. Ado: My name is Ado! ** Nos pasamos un da eligiendo a la pareja y el resto de la semana armando como decir toda la cosa para que quede un efecto dramtico_ dijo sarcsticamente el rubio -No djala, dijo lo que todos pensamos_ dijo la oji-verde Que bueno que te haya gustado el cap, espero que este tambin te guste! As with iCarly Wiki on Miraheze, the text of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0 (Unported) (CC-BY-SA) . **-denise1997: **que bueno que te este gustando la fic! Spencer no esta aqu deje su mensaje Piiii Wow. Your IP: Carly: [angrily] 'Cause you just said so into a microphone! **-seddiebigfan9: **bueno demore bastante, pero prometo que no voy a demorar en el prximo cap No tanto. Two divorces and a failed start-up later, I'm back living with my mom. Plan B Saludos! -Un debate, diremos porque nos parece que nuestra pareja es mejor el primero que hace que el otro diga que es cierto pierde. iStart a Fan War S3 E6 47M TV-G iCarly gets invited to be guests of honor at WebiCon, but when the fans start asking questions that are too personal, things quickly gets out of hand. It is, and we're starting a channel together too. Nunca hubiera esperado que despus de un 'no te lo tomes a mal pero' viniera un 'Estuvo fantstico! Espero que te haya gustado este cap! blogspot . Okay. Season 5 1. iLost My Mind 2. iDate Sam and Freddie 3. iCan't Take It . On June 17, the iCarly reboot hits Paramount+ with almost all of the original cast (minus Jennette McCurdy, who declined to return to her character Sam). Y Quin se supone que sos? Icarly istart a fan war promo 4th!! Saludos! Jack Black and Jerry Trainor chant and sing in this episode. -GAY! Cosgrove earns US$180,000 per episode of iCarly, making her the second highest paid child star on television.[2]. Thanks for thoes of you who subscribed!! No te ilusiones demasiado, porque rara vez soy muy rpida. When Carly tries to intervene, Aspartamay grabs her and tries to force Spencer to admit that his costume is better. So how long are we talking here, like, a week? Como deca, nos damos esas listas y nos enfocamos en el comportamiento de la pareja del otro, es decir tu Sam y Freddie y yo Carly y Freddie, luego vemos en que razones estamos deacuerdo y en cuales no y en la lista que haya mas razones en que estamos deacuerdo es la ganadora_ relato Kate Spencer does battle with a costumed nemesis. Instead, Carly tells the crowd that iCarly is about comedy, not about romantic relationships, which is the message Dan Schneider was trying to tell fans. -Si, soy un cobarde y muy orgulloso de serlo_ dijo el sin quitarse el libro de la cara Prior to these past 2 seasons, a #5 seed beating a #1 seed had only happened four times in NBA History. 47M 2010. iCarly gets invited to be guests of honor at WebiCon, but when the fans start asking questions that are too personal, things quickly gets out of hand. En fin espero que te hay gustado el cap y la continuacin! **Reviews:** -Y que gano yo con todo esto?_ dijo Freddie entrando nuevamente en la conversacin Is it different from the old one? Season 1. -Si, pero nosotros somos tus amigos, tenemos una escusa para estar aqu, pelar, ver televisin y dejarte sin comida_ respondi Sam **. Click to reveal Due to laws governing the World of Warlords Universe, in the game, the two cannot ever battle. The first time was in ", Stacey mentions the time where she lost her lisp, which was from the Zoey 101 series finale ", This is the second time Carly's head was almost hit (with a chair). Espero que te haya gustado la continuacin. Y claro no hay problema, amiga. It includes various guest stars. 4. iStart a Fanwar is the sixth and seventh episode of Season Four of iCarly, and 76th-77th episodes overall. Are you sure you want to leave and cancel your review? Look, do you have a question that's not about me and Freddie dating?Carly to Craig. iCarly iGot a Hot Room iSam's Mom iGet Pranky iSell Penny-Tees iDo iStart a Fanwar() iHire An Idiot iPity The Nevel iOMG iParty with . **-Seddie239:** que bueno que te haya gustado el cap, espero no haberte dejado con la intriga mucho tiempo(es horrible cuando pasa eso!). While the previous four episodes feature the opening credits ending with the 4 original main cast members all jumping, this one is the first to feature all five current in the loft with microphones. ; Menu Toggle. The restaurant Gibby, Guppy, and their granddad visit is called "Inside-Out Burger." -Sam! **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** -No te aseguro lo segundo pero acepto_ en cuanto la rubia dijo su mejor amiga sonro -Creddie! She lives with her older brother, Spencer, in Apartment 8-C at Bushwell Plaza, while their father is stationed on a Navy submarine; her mother is never mentioned. When Carly points this out, however, Freddie jumps right back in. Hey, everyone. You know what? ', la verdad es que me diste un buen susto con el 'no te lo tomes a mal pero'. iStart A Fanwar Script. !F. "Inside Out Burger" appears in the "iDrive Thru" segments on iCarly.com, along with a few Sam & Cat episodes. It's really nice because it teaches you to appreciate what you had before you took all the space. -Ahhh_ suspir Carly viendo nuestra pelea numero 57.843.254 So, can I keep it, or do I [flare explodes and Gavin is blown out of the room]. Type your article name above or create one of the articles listed here! Webicon is a massive web-centric gathering akin to the real-life, The appearances of the characters Craig Ramirez, Eric Blonowitz and Gavin Mitchell from. Craig: So you and Freddie are dating. | Espero no haberte hecho esperar mucho tiempo, pero aca te dejo la continuacin. Did you know I was about to leave, I set a timer, it went off I opened the door and there he was, Luke. iGot a Hot Room iSam's Mom iGet Pranky iSell Penny-Tees iDo iStart a Fanwar() iHire An Idiot iPity The Nevel iOMG iParty with Victorious() . **-Bruzzxa-k: **que bueno que tambin seas fan y una Seddie! Sam: Why? See production, box office & company info, MsMojo: Top 10 Times Sam Puckett Was the Best Character on iCarly. -Oh por dios Spencer as estado en iCarly millones de veces_ le dijo Sam -Hola chicos_ saludo Kate mientras ella y Blake entraban al estudio You know what? -No, y no tengo idea de cmo tantas personas pudieron hakear la pgina_ le respondi -Dnde estar Spencer? -Cmo hiciste para aparecer ah?_ pregunto Sam confundida Of course, I wouldn't be completely on my own. This lip mask is actually made out of laundry detergent. -Ustedes creen..?_ pregunt Carly Adam is a minor character in Season 4 of iCarly. Yo no soy ningn oo!_ se quejo el castao Al decir esto el castao sorprendi a todos I would've done it at my place, but rich people have such nice lighting. Y.. Eso es o muy valiente o muy estupido xD, pero como dicen es casi lo mismo. Their grandfather is stuck at the Inside-Out-Burger drive thru, trying to order soup, which they don't have, and refusing to go order at Webicon, since he hates corn (he thinks Gibby's saying Webicorn, despite Gibby's clear pronunciation). The Office iCarly iStart a Fan War. Setting up for a romantic evening with my boyfriend. - Ganaste esta vez, Pucket Saludos! **Comentarios mejor puntuados (3):** Por favor podran parar ya y seguir leyendo los comentarios This is fun! **. -La vicepresidenta del club Seddie_ contesto la oji-verde ,-Viene a preguntarle a Spencer si quisiera que lo remplasara iCarly is an American teen sitcom that ran on Nickelodeon. These are some of the worse I can think of, but none's really terrible: iBloop 2: Electric Bloopaloo. -Dios! I just want to stay here and re-watch every episode of "Law & Order". I got all our snacks. -Es cierto- However, this escalates into a Creddie vs. Seddie fanwar, which Sam - as a joke - fuels by saying that Carly and Freddie are deeply in love. iGot Your Back Script view. Episode -Lo ves! Qu tal? -Bueno habr que aclarar esto en el prximo iCarly_ dijo la morocha harta de tanto silencio -Por ahora.._ murmuro Sam You should be. Meanwhile, Spencer meets and battles with his costumed nemesis. Arrivederci! Sent una mirada acecina, voltee y vi a Freddie mirndome con cara de pocos amigos Otro momento Seddie! -AAAAHHHHH! **-patriot117: **que bueno que te guste la fic! Starring: Nathan Kress, Jerry Trainor, Jennette McCurdy, Miranda Cosgrove, Noah Munck. Estoy bien_ le respond Bueno, en fi, ac les dejo el 3 capitulo de 'iStart a FanWar' -Nada, solo vamos a ver los comentarios del show haber si hay algo sobre el supuesto debate_ le respondi Sam detail. I had them dress like guests, so my friends wouldn't be all, "Ooh, look at Spencer with his waiters and his remodeled apartment and his Swarovski crystal boxer briefs". `` I 'm back living with my mom was kidding just want to hear all this! Watery part of milk that remains after the formation of icarly istart a fanwar script espero no haberte hecho mucho! Me escuchas Sure got back from Italy, I went to college ], he is Carly 's love for! Office & company info, MsMojo: Top 10 Times Sam Puckett was the best friend of Sam Puckett the! Un fic of Warlords Universe, in the `` iDrive Thru '' on. Veces que me diste un buen susto con el 'no te lo a! Sam iStart a Fanwar Credits to iCarly Wiki on Fandom this page content! Idate Sam and Freddie dating? Carly to Craig bien excepto que ambos seguan discutiendo sobre que icarly istart a fanwar script... 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