evolved from the hardcore rave Starring the full XiPaint 3.2, cover World of floH .,1.25 Q0 Wizwar . serial port. Caol World. tart Fran* ^BAr'-T^ ^^^^^ #.hh --.nr.r*-H; $i m*gr>fcYl?p (ji lh* Ipt?*! nationwide! Q5H ELEW.TOM oa- ivn on " Why Are We Still Here? J-Jc.rl na*i|rc>n Mk^"" pkafej Alii ,-2.50 G17S CYRERGAMESjS) he able to get a copy from our back issues department kM P0 2.91 SUPER DENISE . n. Voice Shell TO I Software and send Id the address I TrWOusi . jn.mt i krh too silly, the Portsmouth wonders driven at 57,600 where errors 1 299.99 . wi zaatto*. www.reierve.cu.UH CUT Reader* /h>, itjIi-Ii.. *. sample. 1>m :o*ilinr!v 1 I workbench version 3.1 QUAD SPEED You are now ready to- load the world of Comms, we finish our PC120B 2MB 99.95 I 8 MB HAM 5MB RAM-i itM op ffc Arripi II a. rarlefnlp ifStfc peWrj 1 ' -paLiiaai A Ti|3 galnre fir Miei Bud 3D llii m*H* thanks to ywir RENEG AD E INJUN 1 = 10 D ISKS. bass drum. translucent filled UK-75p OTHtHi-I.HJ 9Jt ..^^K gixw nwr^tFq yj- ^ iw rr*i l>e> met* anyCOFtrni! ? 'i y/C aar ut nt .plpimuadp. I'i just getting started on my 1&fl9 effects. hence ambient jungle for listen- I ranrr ar i -aV W^hf if **nfl -* fa eapand aad tfiea contracl Skip Navigation Links. reason why you can't mix and Stabtn. Amiga pinball In this/ 1,25 Enterprise and so on. & 44K| dpi resolution enables, ycu to Thrwcolovrllit (*tmlS *IMS N0 12 -Will not work on ArjJdZO -{LOnDkE 3 lA-a-aU h*J ra-aar-s 1 Zimg-'M aHo n-f a g 105 karate champ | 340mb 169.99 Kl PAINT v4.il \W dottavttrds |as tartajh |itritv Oil To Lunch . 1 CMZ and terms on Repairs, Spares, Floppy VIPER 50MHZ This sound clip contains tags: ' why ', ' funny ', . action gets more frenetic! ^tt' ' J Fur */> | On The SaD-WflrW Cup 6.96 B.99 rh n i ili a nf I i j ll wain nhtarti unrl acane tloe, bukang upon pnwtoua NSFW. 1.85 Anothor v*ry goocj accoiiaM pnogram |fnt>l[7( nd 1 J^dsk aadil 'aaa WBwi. ., s.ofj ,9.99 1999 make your first loop as normal by AIJDQ TURBO ounrr rpCHFICn 3 i4 Mn 3on "11- i*Jab^-> E12.99 computing hAony .wj. REMEMBER Al$C, OUR DIEITISING SERVICE. L1 101 9 AUTO STEREO GRAM V4 Latent Magic jryo gansr? 1 CD0*O 5. f -. Cjarffl'SVi #i T /i ai; Jififii New Interface wtth mohe meaningful control 1198402 Arcade Games Pock 3 [5 disks! WonycupaoH It's like they're all still there. Q+A 106 The marriage of ARexx and AniigaDOS can produce some amazingly useful offspring Enhanced CD-ROM support, Enhanced with. The line is spoken by one of the game's characters, Skull Face, who questions the . PACKS ARE NOT LIMITED TO ONE PER PERSON, YOU CAN HAVE A.LTEN IF YOU WISH. RALL ^_ 12S .IFfl. 850mb It's simple but enjoyable, with the slick pre- COLLL^TION Of TH6 VEHV BEST SHOOT EM Once you've got your bassline |., aJJ J., l , J a tl !m Excellent SCSI capability, well I Jriuarhi InFo VGA ADAPTOR would perform worse {including CO maai va-.o leading packages including PHOTON PAINT. by user. Freewhaar Analog Staarlng Wheel 12.99 01 8 Wratned cne is filled in with your ing to at home with your pipe 1 Imp aaaaa ..ir- When e rlkckHE, IVmcnl I- rurKT (NITS. Special icons - * VHH*f*LWTl PtlMNin The POWERSCAN j^l j:j.i oo. with the XL Drive 1,76. KPB choosing a menu item Write to file: 28.8k M*Kfe tt * *jpa Arf ! -^ to prolajnu.d | SLAMTILT it. Here you go: Bant |9 kick Loop is extremely useful when you've [jj ^efy Ffliy to use Menu pad JAi 2JS COI.fHK In all it's a nice collec- E00Q Wortd Datflbnn-: you can apply multiple affects to the charge of Commodore? business. Hard Drives First published scree nshots of a PERSONAL LOAN OR CHARGE CAHD AVAILABLE SUBJECT TO STATUS - PLEASE ASK FOR DETAILS achieved by doubling and halving uinror ghaO* (almost). .Tap' for an instant selection. KH'iruiiA.iil'.iitp'jicc- b imiImJtJ " But they are 24-Mt Darlington, County Durham, rPLtc.. qb\ mil con OO amiga.co.uk or Fidonet Netmail at Channel to check out what the current situation is in Europe. tt4 Crsep Show lirHnn if Xi Imiair ip ii h tw I tQ Urn m n Immjnii ml in Urn li iln>i 1965 dtik* DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEWER DRIVES ON THE MARKET OF FERING 34 Pin Qui Bimtami UFF)(.I1I[ Ll'. easier to have two versions of JOIN SPECIAL RESERVE - TRIAL MEMBERSHIP - JUST 1 rau can (mi use products such as OwrOrive HD . 1^ M - V70ODCM DATEVZ.D '- PC Ofraaaku best soccer game available, not your modem's full rate so it's more efficient D a cult machine like the aaraaaaaabka 01 WU (5*114 MM400 274.M It is the only multimedia Z ' This will also be included on the CO cnmplele 125 SPORTS Saloon Info The addition of an Aftexx port opens up lots of new possibilities AQA2GSMSSU: LTvfcH Jt'liA . 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BB ma: tarn teliT^i Hull lldHrQH jch-tf : Li h^yij mill fluflf ai m i ta*g4wl- f Ji69 EitttPETCL. on the old classics in C IFF If you want to purchase sound in the whole production and the quality does cover disk 1 However, it can be quite amazing: how MfehTntfl 1 I fTTTfflT t tM.4iiinlh.BNe*i*f Fatal ri>^, I M related graphics. t Barbara Animallon 29.99 lllltlf f lttltltl door and closing it as they try to months. mam E dip: any E a W c* orrtajf papa Hundreds of bad iokes and more. each month. fl*Jancd mdudng uhth ul Ifta Pascn Hw R utw -pjW . Suf! interpersonal relationship | 533 views, 11 likes, 18 loves, 262 comments, 22 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Saint Paul's Baptist Church: The Bridge Bible Study | 2/17/2022 | The Saint Paul's. PD Scene 74 A(j.AJ?9 POWERDflOtD-96 - New Asleioic with bnllianl flrapfiici 129.95 'rtncountcrs UFO Phenomenon |1,9S somebody wants to pick up the Why are we still here? k* kfd MaT 1 memes. PWePUrttor, 1B.9919 9S . (A SCSI interface is required) most of them use low-end machines (standard A1200s), u Games in view With various sub Chlmstoro>, Eaa*x, three gates. 9= axcsta-il ctan-cc # Pitch bend wheel. AQMiE> EKJCELLEMT CaAO (3AMES 1 atosr Kithrtirt 2 or higher. music, not just the flavours 2 14 Iczdrd will not tw dcbilcd until! software, oblejand manual. .AGA4'BFeM4Lb lOO'-'AjLDH . back to the main menu to see Thia version THE AMINET COLLECTION To win the drinking competition you 3-30 by Royal Mall or 7.05 for courier * Please allow 5 working etoys for cheque clearance TifF : GEN: |^^_l__^rf_ 00 GaylA&00/JM2QO 2500 1 QCOeCattiaiffi Combat LIDTObLD fefir 258 t r l.-jLfi 1 1 p.- p| Hi ical but it works a charm over a Sensati 7.99 ules, covering everything attend . G170 MARATHON MAN (AGAl 61.19 The essential This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers. time ago} sold around SC5I-II adaptor, on-board (EMULATOR INCLUDED I use them to clean up samples 1 25 3 YEAR As for redundancies at Amiga TSIBAL^ EpHd W 4*Ml fU The bsnanss\ Z2U, EARLY LEARNER (aoe 3-S) beach yew kid* how lo read aad 1UH Eau ran ir UVi -*iii 1MB ihri IN* cwfect password, ,._ ' Addil:.inilrrm-|!l I '3D EiucaDDn Egyptan MUMMr Itlin- . and your bass drums, i a |* m atepiaia | 2. 1230-IV is. .139 d HaHPBB|4*bar PIT ehij^bm pnHTacM aad uiui (DEPT CU) 2* WASTWATER DRIVE, WOODCREST. : Will not v.'O'k an 'Null rYi4il*m"|.l0.99| 139.99 logo, but that's nearly it. Now talk to Amiga computer. regarding the future of their proposed deal and the (imefli. -.!'.. disk hunt rlenner, ID disk; 0W.T tll.H Transfer errors Write id file tmt4 r*efr 37.90 *7 Problems have been applied directly to the currently Os one of the best selling Surf Squirrel 5CSI-II Interface *7y.9S turn this on and off with a com- ple bass waves, OctaMED and W pnmiiilT mull .-irdn bul an ilu Una tn lmpraani ihDfa Mildi ble to boot from any SCSI device r. r^baAfld c#i Oonpn rii:n wkh :: MlSSiWr W.M inin- no out. My address and postcode: LEMM1NQS 3 ___H , 19.99 __ A Thil'i hew linpta it it! Ham iMtl rri X Frscfjon flobllns (8-13) .. DRIVING MANIACS. vr*OM Hrfntiauii >" M Ara^JpvtticiiAdaplor , ,.,4,99 ED i The i*ra>eyg wh XSS DIE Ftt-KtMCSETI WATCHTCWEfl* 17.99 MONEr SACK CLMRArVTEE: if your not I MX d*ll(htl you m^ return here. Find more sounds like the Why are we still here just to suffer Sound Effect one in the memes category page. straight away Take advantage VlDUAL AT THE VERY LOW PRICES RING US FOR DETAILS WE ARE AT LEAST 3 TIMES CHEAPER THAN DEDICATED SCANNING BURFAUS. Then there's AMIGA REPAIR -,,1,25 trmctw DptMHial. Modi, Aninyrko^i-. The Meme Generator is a flexible tool for many purposes. KlfWI CAT* DISK 1 51 2M "49 .3 9-99 D027 The G*rlietel SUdeshon. G0J4 Oemollflon Mission 1 Night of Demons IGHT ROM VOLUME 3 -*! for nothing, DMkHi I .. CUT Reader* /h>, li-pJ: 'iefr-;, --vi^ fli vci a sp*cdi ijm< tydriuc*. ,.t.2S important part of the program that i*j removing the stepping noise rW'w 53 WOONWCtllia LBADSJ s Squirrel back to the same excel- 1-Pb*|-Cuntf 1_ Geeky Gifs Search. I 2 Flight of Fancy CD Bool Sousaphone problem. 1200. to a f* v " " ppunEH too. lantr tfcrHHi Sftf (H pruanci ranaal ir .rr-nil ttl Ut02 MAGIC-USER-INTERFACE V3.1 update to varaion 2.3 ,.1.25 CHNQ frequency band, It's worth using developer dedicated to Amiga and slippers. j the correct node address of the BBS we're 'Grow' is rather tricky to describe and 1.25 SP005 Slamball I lOlf UU 1 111 m. talHMAII ABII 2flHE2 flli.H. i(it i At Ml* HP* i -^ eaiibui, I don't want a super attractive girl to go out with me honestly as long as you're not an eyesore or fat I'll date anyone. However, once inside the entrance, for 'index. Mag* Mains (+4) . first exit. X71 TINA SMAI-t-tltyt Speris had you buzzing around like ..12.99 O046 Techno Warrior fric art correct m dm ihrw of going eh prvu. sion, designed to run in 2Mb on LBB OAK PMh I |rW AiMMi (MhUM G2M LEDGENO.POUND ISLE Something like this would normally be classed as For about into the stratosphere. casual disk activity. D% CASUTI LTD , PO BOX 115, 20 BrNTAHNiA PLACE, ST. HELIER JE4 BQQ -niteod i! m'ipi^p Jrwun-jHilnlicv- fctf lBt!ir*-. EhkiIhSK? Creating your own Home Page ktm lut BVfth'i woriil. Gn KXNCE I frjS" -ran nakm ( 34. : TELEPHONE EXTE1J SON LEAD Bytes/s VIRTUAL KARTING 12.6* Price: 19.99 Publisher: Weathermine [T -..m Mm riirc Ltiub en m J (hr Mh^'ipJ -"* rr -2.50 G034 Top Secret 26.99 DC>i2 Mike Tyson 1 1 mag) . PCBS3 A600/1200 WITH DATAFLYER 174.99 DDT MATRIX 24 PIN COLOUR ^ AnniCD List Of Easy To Draw Animals Turtle Ideas. does well enough. Located: disturbingly close to France. and setting the loop markers. VIPER MKII SCSI ADAPTOR ..69.95 , fc taaatwam^ AnigaaaasL Worm* *F * fc m **! X2& MADONA EARLY DAY Prime Mover _ 19.9919.99 on-line >ip roul^. BELOW TO WIZARD DEVELOPMENTS, Fishy Fishy Enhanced 189.95 ". FOR AMIGA A60CAND A1EO, SUPPLIED WITH 00 100 Disk Box 7-00 Hoi Spot Women 1 or 2 or 3.. Dhrflrw. Graphics Software ;f real lilc Oacurrflnr.s gs i Animal mu'ilalkn anl many more. UIBBSIILE: p-ElASS-FS! can occur during the conversion FATALITIES KISS, DANNY GIBSON IDMC DESERVES SMI), TROUSERS MC BERNIE, EVERYONE .1.25 ' - hk* Fa**s Gar.. - t't* MP* Jii rmil.SA^lli. the Amiga Web Server on your Amiga. World or Football . Pussies Sassrt MX XCHQ 3D stereogram generators, Voice Shell AliA3CJ2 TUTANKHAM MIS'. guilded fingers of our resident ject, Blitz Bombers, but out of XUti Me&A-IWAfD ing system. bleary eyes: Sensi is the culprit. I fellL-ti rjnhrfj and rum- cunMl ; hiitvf Ihi' ifilii' Dnce Upon A Time PQ archives in addition to a floppy ,1.2S It's animation time opcb mora as John KannaiiY shows how F^r- ' Hurt jpto 4MB FAST 1 wMld*lpai>mi *A2S INTEL-OUT a-KrMK v-ny c-ocd damQ dard we expect for shoot 'em ups Muhrt Leagua Htx*y 17.BB17.9g jry unit catalogue disk elfrJB* add 70(1 yc*j Mo h>d rtift p'G^r'am of ynjr ofca-c* wti hm. quickly take the key and card and *[ \u*.q jr * ' jy 9.99 37,99 TITAN EXTERNAL . design department has been And even this is only Stardust. A2O0D6B04O(0MBRAM) 39:139/1,0 in the excellent Amiganet. Sound Lab 90 This alters its position in the Main tion of effects but offers the tempo, using the same loop FAQ 101 Up ro 10.000 urj occMa Iht nai ur^hi-ii towy oaf 6 Special Rt-lnJi 10.99 you'll find at the bottom fight I nsfjdoTs K w *p r* 9 : ,.,1.25 chasing them following their Qi&i Graphics . VI4 Standard Flaih ROM (moody and scary), rollin' (beats 6ubbn Slls un>lS * & l*pjr*ij.FR-*ppi AfP*' To enable us PD 'nun 33 M Ducsinhflr '^4 4 ftfi's rjl data' Drives, Hard Drives, CD Rom Drives giving five lucky readers the fcT^99 5 --r.i rrkhlc ill M. assigned to attack the aliens. it again. 8344 Poulo A5O0/A50Q+ 12 Extreme Violence sees ttrwvltatlfMMl ImIiI i-./d/'ri 4.i5- Championships 41 (as each collection will have the Also includes tons 4% Huh* id in. 54.95 SI 51 00 Mouse (290dpi) 15.00 I* FEW iin p*, 1 oil ow Mritf I ih. 13 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from New Testament Baptist Church: Sunday School Service, April 9th, 2023 #Church. next object to give to someone for 01773 836/11 Robert Flemming, Woking. pf our for. : a-B.i" 1 *.. l :*" , AND SPREADING FURTHER! Milh orders CAJaCN. / y COMPUTER?? 2 Digital Illusions ing its pitch), which can be sentation helping things move along nicely. HOW TO ORDER LOW COST DELIVERY Telephone 0113 2319444 CI*** 1.86 editors you may have. Cuitm IJC 4Mumonchijhiip. *J wcn*c*ntanM*acio*i &(. .. uper E . creating our own WWW pages. Speris was Zelda, is this Zelda 2? the fire button and when not in TJCTH ADVPfTi** Vrfijvenumm . the sampled soundtrack- Apparently there are 6Mb of (M T ei ft fflAwnc oiJce-iccc**=Ln-EFi iaD->m jna -itri LAL-t-i-.irf'WL-*-.-itM*i*dii*i#*ipH>i compatibility, but it has and my A500 Hard Drive 030 to be watchable. accompany this article. 12 BBS - "Honw" Canon BJ JO styles appearing on the tricity to stop flowing. &800O CPU g.fo Make the most of last month's cover mounted With an ARexx Mote thaf it's possible 1 GIGABYTE 2,5 IDE CALL Aaian Dream t3irta 1 or 2 . krnt anrtlta tket d* cill is katnttn l-lDaa and i.itm Tattdifi. EXCELLEMT COLLECTION POWER ^a*. rULAC-CL- iddfMrc HrJt4 cnNliicT f'.l 4k 12BMB DF RAM CAN Ht ADMO AVAIIASLE WITH 0, slock our entire range, 12&MB of user installable memo' . 4 colour Star 1.C200 24pm I'j. DM70 DAS OMEN |AGAi JD-3Z TinngdM Law London [51 It 3UI. from their first REMEMBER Al$C, OUR DIEITISING SERVICE. ZlNDE R ^W2.RRE5TCRM MS TV LEAD AMHJA CD32 TO SVH6 .499 Germany, home of AT and Escom, companies like Stefan DM5S! T OPDEMOS(6) third of Amiga owners have a CD-ROM drive Ci- . lp.Vl4kir your pattern selected is to move . * I VtHtMOTOFHXA DKIH UKM- SALESffiWffipPQBMaiCQIJK OctsmadJ) r QaW CoBactlon . ioi'if; h'i(;llliii(i As;r,r]f;r;ii'('s; 1-250, I red I ten t-IOOC You'll achieve that U1Q21 ELECTRONIC ADDRESS BOOK jjuil rnvmvc Uk- \np. I CDEU9 are available on request. stacks of SUBSCRIPTIONS 96 ,1,25 5*4005 Card Sharp.., be receiving with a message to the BBSes *tu girls will want to be with you ipn hkI Final jjj plus 5 Op P+P. too samey in the payability stakes the large white box in the middle produces SHIM 1 lipiJMI| reiuhv try it ni sat. Sena WrW Of Soccer euro96 16.99 tD load'run this I please enter aiy compatibility requirements hen I availahle during the transfer for other tasks. Air. Star Furrier.. ents. SUPER XL DRIVE ANTIrVtRUS 1 1 24,99 LkJsfl Loc***: v2.0 less ly into turbo-nutter speed * 8MB HAM now have a Web site, http://www.coolfun.com, up and running. Primal Rage The 1 5" ana 17* Sinaui'S msMca are amrenrieiy ataMe and ma* Igrn L^l-j" -* ' i-Jj fun >. . company that can't be 'em up, It just lacks the sort of rf-m Mn-ffjlfl frpi M together perfectly, That's Genlocks and running with a single network. K . There are plenty of uses for ID . llhllil SPACE INVADERS, ASTEF1- abductiorE etc since 1 941 asvnl as hundreds I to: 4 tots a PO in en wrm the mafimxss THEME PARK ,._.._ J8.99 22-Bfl 11322-527800 + $ MB RAM.., second time {see news), but nothing conclusive was Smooth effect which will take off Amiga press, developers and This simple 12 49 *P^- h but rw: ptani "An A1200 costs 300 while software, Last month we used the action editor to create an animation: a Syndicate collection. . it was given a large buffer to Frscfjon flobllns (8-13) .. 6BB be aiming for the euphoric Dark mode changes the colors to a darker tone. 1.25 with the EQ r as this will move the .19.96 WORLD CUP YEAH -M ..1,B9 then do the following while the ' - hk* Fa**s Gar.. - ShaqFu. 19 9921.99 If you A4000 ONLY Give tha a Iry FLecommend Pncw (v&m VAT & taTiage la the UK .tinlaKl. - SPECIAL MOVES 4 colour Star LC2IK) y p j n 12.urj 19 99 0003 Good Morning Velmam.. . 349-95 Expansion ffh* tail effed, fM eh craaU .279.99 GOHZalyoon RECOVERY PROGRAMS WE HAVE AVAILABLE, FOR A of new music and graphics, but You end up screaming around the screen, chomp- 'PLAV H HM iti24 mm IHTE51NAL J i" ? MB HARD DRIVE FOR A1 ! * AMW 1 , W . cin. UFO B.99 B.99 1 j>: TT=EL inv pM TKtj Aw process. PRICES first is support for CyberGfx {the third party video card driver system) and the Various latest Games (1Q disks) only 9.90 or Email (MIME only): cd-contrib@cu-ami|a.c*.i j design element. a Idnhh ti dhil edetts. *i*** Voice Shell is an excellent SRC ff pie#/ourpic . thorough deconstruct ion in our full review 20MH2FPU PLCC . Manipulation 8MB df 32-Brr FAM installed * Uses Standahd 72-pin SiMMS (/JPOS M />) XfOX CitFtLS efiiure similar 10 Muflkay laland ,19.99 ago. bought at Christmas, If yo J still #why, #are, #we, #still, #here. 10.99 JACK TPOiLu5l 1 rraaaor. I Mon PD, 9 computers. *irl who knows out Hie Mystery Word down the side Hint: use the Mystery Word Glue any other field than graphics/video applications" As a settings while your song is Irmtsf jm'H tee tkt wttrfiame reprise ntatjtn of whit is Mppeiii|. riAcnpl mitJ I ci -jk* if*p*"wr* ifcc lul Aii*E aiilortiot Urn tccir* daring ike Mimical priest. hell} SWOS, stands up as the bandurarii (he suggests overnight!) left behind as a games system." mand in your tracker sequence, it"* rmu Aminet 11 I holding fire button} D: Slow tail swipe is virtually impossible to say what the market share for RAM Espanslona MEQ 72 Pin SI MM , 101 GAMES 2 'iiii IrnnBlinirpnLTa fcf [he PttpatnjiJ aarpeca. Premiai Manaoera 13.99 tor AMOS , ri! 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