Historically, it was often called Orcheston long grass, after a village on Salisbury Plain, England. Sally, Broad-leaved Eucalyptus camphora subsp. Asian ponysfoot, Smallflowered ponysfoot. List of Indigenous Flora and Fauna species recorded in Springside Nature Reserve. This page lists common names of species profiled on PIER by common name in the English language. Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Spikelets. pectinacea Tufted Lovegrass Festuca arundinacea Tall Fescue Festuca elmeri Elmer Fescue BR02, BR03, BR08, BR09, BR10, BR13 Browse this list or use the "find" function on your web browser to search by common name, then use the link provided to access the species . Epilobium canum. asplenioides Southern Lady Fern G5T5 S1 Eragrostis atrovirens. Sand-verbena PH Nyctaginaceae Acacia dealbata * Silver Wattle S/T Fabaceae Acer glabrum Rocky Mountain Maple S Sapindaceae Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf Maple T Sapindaceae OBL (Obligate Wetland, >99% probability) and UPL (Obligate Upland, <1% probability) represent the extremes. 2006. more detail. The website also provides access to a database and images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at participating herbaria. Stinkhorn. Bidens micrantha subsp. non Hack. A Comprehensive List of Plants by their Common Names with Scientific Names t-z Heuchera micrantha is an evergreen Perennial growing to 0.6 m (2ft) by 0.4 m (1ft 4in). Eragrostis micrantha auct. Family Scientific name Common Name FERN ALLIES Azollaceae Mosquito Fern Family . australis Slender Fumewort G5T5? . (Scutellaria angustifolia ssp. Saloop Einadia hastata. Scientific and common names from this list were obtained from Wunderlin, 2003. Common Name Scientific Name Location Seen Fall Witch Grass Leptoloma cognatum Round-Headed Bush Clover Lespedeza capitata Korean Bush Clover Lespedeza stipulacea White Sweet Clover Melilotus albus Carpet Weed Mollugo verticillata Dotted Bee Balm Monarda punctata White Mulberry Morus alba Common Evening Primrose Oenothera biennis Ragged Evening Primrose Oenothera laciniata Flora surveys conducted by Dr. Greg Clancy, Val Clancy, Russell Jago and Jeff Keyes. Common on islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Wetland Indicator reflects the estimated probability of the species being found in a wetland setting vs. non-wetland setting. This page contains an index of scientific names for plants listed on the Kansas Wildflowers & Grasses web site. Poa micrantha Spreng. Eragrostis pellucida (R.Br.) Associated Taxa. Dichondra micrantha PONY-FOOT,ASIAN FACW- Perennial Native Forb 6 Dicliptera brachiata MUDWORT,WILD FACW Annual Native Forb 6 . kalealaha X Bidens spp. Name Game Flash Card Quiz. It is cultivated almost . hillebrandiana ko'oko'olau 1' 2' sea to 1,000' dry to wet Sh Bidens menziesii ssp. Genus Species var./subsp.Subspecies Common/Hawaiian name Federal status* GSN? Eragrostis lugens LOVEGRASS,MOURNING FACU Perennial Native Grass 6 Catabrosa micrantha Hochst. > Zones 9-11, Height 8-10", Exposure: Full sun < The two-tone flowers in light and dark lavender stand out nicely against the medium green foliage. Eucalyptus populnea . Synonyms: Eragrostis aethiopica sensu Simon, non Chiov. In Missouri, it is most commonly found in open sandy woods or in sandy areas along streams or railroad tracks (Steyermark). Herbaceous Plants . This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Eragrostis (family Poaceae ). Epilobium foliosum. Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Global Rank State Rank Astragalus sericoleucus Silky Milk-vetch G4 S1 Astragalus spatulatus Tufted Milk-vetch G5 S1 Astranthium integrifolium ssp. Or simply scroll down. 500 Common and Characteristic Plants of California by Scientific Name Scientific Name Common Name Habit Family Abies concolor/lowiana California White Fir T Pinaceae Abies magnifica Red Fir T Pinaceae Abronia spp. poplar box . Plant List of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols. Arizona Cooperative Extension Yavapai County 840 Rodeo Dr #C Prescott, AZ 86305 (928) 445-6590 sciurea, 175 as Stipa micrantha), [1878] G.Bentham, Flora Australiensis 7 (566 as Stipa micrantha, 574 as Dichelachne sciurea ), [1952] C.A.Gardner, Flora of Western Australia 1 Gramineae Common Names of Most Grasses in South Australia Many grasses are known by more than one common name. E. plurigluma), orbicular to vermiform, variously disarticulating; glumes often deciduous, 1- or rarely 3-nerved . Entries in all capitals indicate common names applicable, or largely applicable, to an entire genus. Eragrostis trichodes, commonly called sand love grass, is a warm season bunchgrass that is native from Ohio to Nebraska and south to Louisiana and Texas.It is densely tufted and typically rises to 2-4' tall on generally weak stems. Boissier 3: 388 1895 . name. The first list is by Common Name followed by Latin Names. Eragrostis fosbergii X Eragrostis monticola X Eragrostis variabilis kawelu X . Go to the scientific names list for the complete citation, including authorities and any further subclassification, or for older names (synonyms). In tropical and subtropical rain forests and tropical and subtropical sub-humid woodlands. Note: Hawaii State statutes link the threatened and endangered (T&E) plant species listed with the State to the Federal list of (T&E) plant species found here.. E= endangered; T= threatened; P= formally proposed as E or T; C= candidate for listing R=recommended for listing (L) as E or T, or for candidacy (C); SOC= species of concern Eragrostis sessilispica Tumble Love Grass G5 S1 Eremogone hookeri Hooker's Desert-sandwort G5 S1 Erigenia bulbosa Harbinger-of-spring G5 S1 . (Photographs are associated with the Common Name list only, so if you don't know the common name, you must first search the Latin name to find the Common Name). The tufts may reach a diameter of 38 cm. Steud. It is also found in Europe and Asia. Eragrostis species Eragrostis japonica Name Synonyms Aira koenigii J.F.Gmel. Alien and rare species are so noted. Eragrostis parviflora flowerhead1 (8212837312).jpg. diffusa Maul wormwood, 'ahinahina 2' 3' 1,000' to higher dry to medium Sh Bidens hillebrandiana ssp. > Zone: 4-9, Height: 4-10" Exposure: Full Shade to Partial Shade < Vinca is in evergreen groundcover that makes a thick carpet of trailing stems. Eragrostis cilianensis. By Tad M. Zebryk, Published on 10/06/01. Media in category "Eragrostis parviflora" The following 44 files are in this category, out of 44 total. This page lists all species profiled on PIER with common names beginning with the letter M.A list of all PIER species by common name is also available, but it is a large list and may take a while to load on systems with slower internet connections. Stenotaphrum micranthum is reported to be a good pasture and lawn grass. Epilobium canum subsp. Genus Species Common Name R6 Ind Food Value Habit Region . 1. Triticale. (from The Plant List) . Eragrostis curvula. ctenophylla X Bidens micrantha subsp. Eragrostis fosbergii X Eragrostis monticola X Eragrostis variabilis kawelu X . The Alabama Plant Atlas is a source of data for the distribution of plants within the state as well as taxonomic, conservation, invasive, and wetland information for each species. An exceptionally floriferous, well-branched, and low growing plant. Tef (Eragrostis tef) grain. Valley South Subtransmission Project Appendix 3‐1 Ap. Scientific name in green indicates that the grass is native to Australia. Browse this list or use the "find" function on your web browser to search by common name, then use the link provided to access the species information via its scientific name. Common names Description: White and purple flowers held up to 35 centimetres above a tuft . Saltbush, Berry Einadia hastata. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Browse photos by common name: Common name begins with: A, B, C, . Wheat bran. The name "bent" refers to the shallow roots, which bend just below the surface of the soil to propagate laterally. Common on islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Inflorescence an open, contracted, spiciform or glomerate panicle, very rarely of racemes on a central axis. Koeleria macrantha, commonly called prairie junegrass, is a cool season, clump-forming, tufted, perennial bunch grass that is native throughout most of the contiguous U.S. except for the Southeast and parts of the Northeast. Fritillaria micrantha Brown Bells Fritillaria pudica Yellow Fritillary . kokolau, ko'oko'olau X . Flowers June-Nov. Genus Species Common Name R6 Ind Food Value Habit Region . With the associated native plant species Dodonaea viscosa, Santalum ellipticum, Eragrostis variabilis, Melanthera lavarum, Bidens micrantha, Sideroxylon polynesicum, and Doryopteris decipiens. This page lists all species profiled on PIER with common names beginning with the letter W.A list of all PIER species by common name is also available, but it is a large list and may take a while to load on systems with slower internet connections. accepted. Dicotyledons. Commelinaceae Dichelachne micrantha Shorthair Plumegrass Aneilema acuminatum Aneilema Digitaria parviflora Small-flowered Finger Grass . Airopsis aurea Steud., 1846 Airopsis jubata Griseb. Eragrostis cummingii . is an. Common and scientific names for this list were obtained from Wunderlin and Hansen, 2003. . ANGIOSPERMS, GYMNOSPERMS, FERNS : Trees : American Elm: Ulmus americana L. Ulmaceae: Native : Basswood, American Linden: Tilia americana L. Tiliaceae: Native Botanical name: Synonyms: Family: Common name: Abelia chinensis : Caprifoliaceae: Chinese Abelia: Abelia triflora : Caprifoliaceae: Himalayan Abelia: Abelia x grandiflora Valley South Subtransmission Project Appendix 3-1 Ap. camphora. The habitat of S. salicaria at Waikapu Stream is described as a lowland native scrubland and grassland. Scientific Names of Grasses in South Australia Scientific name in green indicates that the grass is native to Australia. Version 3.1 - 6 - Common name Species name Page . Catabrosa pilosa Steud. Canavalia brasiliensis. Eragrostis hypnoides LOVEGRASS,TEAL OBL Annual Native Grass 5 . Lipocarpha micrantha smallflower halfchaff sedge native I Rhynchospora colorata starrush whitetop native . indicates (sometimes) Muller = Y indicates species is described in Muller (2007) . Eragrostis. Trin. Scientific Name Common Name Native Status EPPC FDA IRC Digitaria longiflora Indian crabgrass exotic Echinochloa sp cockspur native Echinochloa walteri coast cockspur native Elionurus tripsacoides pan-american balsamscale native I Eragrostis amabilis feather lovegrass . Names preceded by the word 'Common' in brackets such as [Common] Hawkweed are not necessarily the most common species of the genus, but simply do not have any other descriptive name. ctenophylla X Bidens micrantha subsp. Eragrostis parviflora flowerhead1 Denman . 84 Eragrostis micrantha P 85 Perennial lovegrass Eragrostis nindensis P Y 2 2 86 Sandveld . Life forms used are annual, biennial, perennial herb, perennial vine, perennial, shrub, and tree. Flora. Common name . Dichrostachys cinerea . [citation needed] Creeping bent. Stenotaphrum micranthum is reported to be a good pasture and lawn grass. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees. snapdragon skullcap (Scutellaria antirrhinoides) - 6 photos. Herb. Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Global Rank State Rank. Eragrostis curvula is usually a long-lived perennial grass, but it is sometimes an annual plant. 3-1.1 June 2016 WILDLIFE OBSERVED IN THE SURVEY AREA Scientific Name Common Name Status Invertebrates Apis scutellata African bee Apodemia virgulti Behr's metalmark Branchinecta lindahli Lindahl's fairy shrimp Brephidium exile Western pygmy-blue Euphilotes battoides bernardino Bernardino square-spotted blue kalealaha X Bidens spp. No known common names. Eragrostis lehmanniana. Land types of Queensland Border Rivers Region . Common Names Only genus and species are given in the common names list, for quick identification. micrantha. Common Name: Cuphea 'Plum Mist'. Homonyms Eragrostis parviflora (R.Br.) Range Description: Eragrostis japonica is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa and Australia. Eragrostis pectinacea var. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. indicates (sometimes) Muller = Y indicates species is described in Muller (2007) . Eragrostis intermedia. Brazilian jackbean. Sh Artemisia mauiensis var. The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on 2012-03-23 ) which reports it as an accepted name (record 412842) with original publication details: Bull. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME * COMMENTS . ** Important interaction*** Melicope macropus X Eragrostis tenella Nees, 1841 Poa micrantha Spreng. Hemicarpha micrantha DWARF-BULLRUSH FACW+ Annual Native Grass Like 5 Hibiscus laevis ROSEMALLOW,HALBERD-LEAF OBL Perennial Native Forb 5 Some common names apply to more than one species. latifolium. Common Name 5-Spot Adobe allocarya Adobe popcornflower Alkali barley Alkali Bulrush Alkali Dropseed Alkali Grass Alkali heath Alkali Heliotrope Alkali Mallow Alkali Pepperweed Alkali Rye Alkali Sacaton Alkali Seaheath Alkali Sida Alkali weed Alumroot Amaranth American black nightshade American Dogwood American water fern American wild carrot . PLANTS Database. Cursor-activated underlined scientific names indicate… Hack. The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. Dichondra micrantha. dog stinkhorn (Mutinus caninus) - 4 photos. Mikania is a genus of vines, with most of the 430 species being native to tropical America. Dichondra micrantha PONY-FOOT,ASIAN FACW- Perennial Native Forb 6 Dicliptera brachiata MUDWORT,WILD FACW Annual Native Forb 6 . Maine Natural Areas Program Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plant Taxa Scientific Name Citation: VASCULAR FLORAS OF SONOITA CREEK STATE NATURAL AREA AND SAN RAFAEL STATE PARK: ARIZONA'S FIRST NATURAL-AREA PARKS; SIDA 22 (1): 661 - 704. Eragrostis novo-caldedonica Jedwabn., 1924 Eragrostis novocaledonica Jedwabn. ciliatum Comanche Western-daisy G5T5 S1 Athyrium filix-femina var. Authors: Steven P. McLaughlin. 2 Common/Scientific Names Fringed sage Artemisia frigida Little-seed ricegrass Oryzopsis micrantha Frostweed Helianthemum bicknelli Locust Robina pseudo-acacia Gardner's saltbush Atriplex gardneri Loesels twayblade Liparis loeselii Gayfeather Liatris spp Long-headed coneflower Rudbeckia spp Golden stickleaf Mentzelia pumila Lupine Lupinus spp . These species may be generally distinguished by the following characteristics ( Holm et al., 1991 ). Common Names. Poa pellucida R.Br. To search, hit Search (or enter Ctrl+ F) on your computer, and enter the common or Latin name. In general, it forms tufts of stems up to 1.9 meters tall. It is probable that these, as well as other indigenous species, can be found in the area encompassed by Hillcrest Conservancy. laevis. Sand-spurrey, Red Spergularia rubra (*) Sandalwood Santalum obtusifolium. Caesia micrantha Common name: Pale Grass Lily . It is hardy to UK zone 5 and is not frost tender. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Family Scientific name Common name(s) Type Acanthaceae Barleria lancifolia blue barleria shrub Acanthaceae Barleria lanceolata shrub Acanthaceae Barleria rigida scorpion thistle dwarf shrub Acanthaceae Blepharis grossa little desert thistle herb Acanthaceae Blepharis mitrata dwarf shrub Acanthaceae Blepharis pruinosa shrub Acanthaceae Justicia guekeana shrub Acanthaceae The format for this list is scientific name in italics; common name in bold; life form; abundance, habitat, and/or area where collected. See above for USDA hardiness. Eragrostis lugens LOVEGRASS,MOURNING FACU Perennial Native Grass 6 Native. Agrostis stolonifera is the most commonly used species of Agrostis. It is variable in appearance, and there are many different natural and cultivated forms. Chinese lantern tree, Marabou, marabou-thorn, Sickle bush . In India it is reported from Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala (Sasidharan 2004), Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh (Bilaspur, Damoh, Mandla, Raigarh, Sidhi) (Roy 2001), Maharashtra (Common in all districts) (Lakshminarasimhan 1996 . Poa parviflora R.Br. Collected on the islands off the Qld coast, but not on mainland Australia. Threatened and Endangered Plants of Hawaii. * Image and further references available on Sportsman Creek Blog. Flowers June-Nov. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. Blue, periwinkle flowers rise just above the deep green glossy foliage…. Monocotyledons. . Poa pilosa L. : Common names: Frequency: Status: Native: Description: Loosely caespitose annual, culms up to 70 cm tall, erect or ascending, branched or unbranched, glabrous at the nodes, glandular or eglandular; leaf sheaths glabrous; ligule a line of hairs; leaf laminas 2-20 cm × 1-4 mm, linear . The three most common species are M. cordata, M. scandens and M. micrantha and are often misidentifed as each other. ** Important interaction*** Melicope macropus X 84 Eragrostis micrantha P 85 Perennial lovegrass Eragrostis nindensis P Y 2 2 86 Sandveld . 3‐1.3 January 2016 WILDLIFE OBSERVED IN THE SURVEY AREA Scientific Name Common Name Status Empidonax traillii Willow flycatcher SE, BCC, MSHCP Eremophila alpestris Horned lark WL, MSHCP Euphagus cyanocephalus Brewer's blackbird Falco mexic`anus Prairie falcon WL, BCC, MSHCP micrantha) - 10 photos. Bidens micrantha subsp. Cyperus eragrostis Umbrella Sedge Microlaena stipoides Weeping Grass Sand Rattlepod Crotalaria mitchellii subsp. Corydalis micrantha ssp. Browse this list or use the "find" function on your web browser to search by common name, then use the link provided to access the species information via its scientific name. Scientific name in red indicates that the grass is introduced. In tropical and subtropical rain forests and tropical and subtropical sub-humid woodlands. . menziesii ko'oko'olau 1' 3' Sh Bidens micrantha 2. Common name; English: . Common name cross reference web -12-29-10 1. Scientific Name *Common Name Scientific Name *Common Name 1. . (Eragrostis cilianensis) - 31 photos. Abundance is noted as common, occasional, uncommon, or rare. It is in leaf all year, in flower from July to August, and the seeds ripen from August to September. ex A.Rich. Dichelachne micrantha 01 common plumegrass; Dichelachne micrantha 02 common plumegrass; Dichelachne micrantha 03 common plumegrass; Dichelachne micrantha 05 common plumegrass; Digitaria parviflora 01 small-flowered finger grass; Digitaria ramularis 01 reflexed finger grass; Digitaria ramularis 02 reflexed finger grass The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) is an online resource that provides immediate access to the wealth of plant specimen information held by Australian herbaria. Mikania micrantha Mile-a-minute FED Mimosa FED Mimosa diplotricha FED Mimosa invisa Giant sensitive plant FED Botanical name Common name Plants per square metre Basin Austrostipa setacea Corkscrew grass 8-10 . Name Synonyms Eragrostis depallens Jedwabn. Common Name: Common Periwinkle. With Lythrum salicaria, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Eragrostis pectinacea. Wheat distillers grain. kokolau, ko'oko'olau X . Native. Scientific name in black italics indicates… Sonoita Creek State Natural Area. If we have omitted or misspelled a common name, please contact us at pier@hear.org. Genus Species var./subsp.Subspecies Common/Hawaiian name Federal status* GSN? This page lists all species profiled on PIER by common name. Genus Species Common Name R6 Ind Food Value Habit Region . Scientific name in red indicates that the grass is introduced. S1 . Display as Images Notes & Vouchers Taxon Authors Show Taxa Alphabetically . Type Scientific Name Common Name Height Spread Elevation Water req. Thalia lovegrass. Canna lily, Garden canna. Camissonia micrantha. Eragrostis Lehmanniana Lehman's lovegrass TNF Euphorbia esula Leafy spurge TNF AZ ADOT Roadway Roadside Development, Tel: 602-712-7357 Fax: 602-712-3217 3 of 9 . V. Venezuela grass (Paspalum fasciculatum) W. Wheat (general) Wheat germ et germ oil meal. Scientific name in black italics indicates that the name has changed since the publication of Grasses of South Australia in 2006. Additional identification provided by John and Pat Edwards and Don Gover. AVH is a collaborative project of the state, Commonwealth and territory herbaria, developed under the auspices of the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH), representing the major Australian collections. Browse this list or use the "find" function on your web browser to search by common name, then use the link provided to access the species . The use of the name [Common] in this context is solely for indexing purposes. Eragrostis pilosa Benth. Micrantha is from the Greek words micros, meaning small, and anthos, meaning flower.. Distribution: From Geraldton to Esperance. Eragrostis atrovirens thalia lovegrass exotic Canna x generalis. Scientific name . Catabrosa micrantha Hochst. Dichelachne micrantha Shorthair plume grass 8-10 Echinopogon ovatus Forest hedgehog grass 8-10 Entolasia stricta Wiry panic grass 8-10 Eragrostis leptostachya Paddock lovegrass 8-10 ** Ficina nodosa Knobby club rush 8-10. Canna indica. Wheat shorts, wheat middlings and feed flour. Not all species have an English common name in regular use Type = A - Annual, P - Perennial, H - Hydrophyte and combinations of these. Wheat grain. Salvation Jane Echium plantagineum (*) Sand Brome Bromus arenarius. Clarkia epilobioides. Noteworthy Characteristics. Not all species have an English common name in regular use Type = A - Annual, P - Perennial, H - Hydrophyte and combinations of these. Spikelets 2-many-flowered (a few lower florets sterile in 22. Collected on the islands off the Qld coast, but not on mainland Australia. Meaning of name: Caesia honours Federigo Cesi (1585 - 1630), Italian naturalist said to have been the first to discover the spores of ferns. Salvation Jane Echium plantagineum ( * ) Sandalwood Santalum obtusifolium the seeds ripen from August to September al.... Name species name Page oil meal: common names of most Grasses in South Many... Of the name [ common ] in this category, out of total. 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